Hand Therapy: Appropriate diagnoses
- Hand Therapy: Appropriate diagnoses
- repetitive strain injuries
- arthritis (thumb CMC joint, OA, RA)
- stiff and/or painful wrists & fingers
- tendinitis (medial and lateral epicondylitis, DeQuervain’s, etc.)
- post-fractures, dislocations, sprains in upper extremities (wrist, shoulder, finger)
- post-surgical repairs (tendon repairs, partial/complete amputations, burns, decompressions, transplantations)
- systemic/ genetic disorders (RA, dystrophy, Raynaud’s, Dupuytren’s contractures, camptodyctaly, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, MS)
- nerve involvement (compression, repair, transplantation)
Hand Therapy: Treatment used
- mechanical diagnosis and therapy
- screen for spinal disc/nerve involvement
- patient education and training in self-treatment
- static/dynamic splinting, positional taping, adaptive equipment solution
- ergonomic work station evaluations and solutions
- appropriate & specific strengthening and conditioning exercises
Occupational Therapy: Appropriate diagnoses
- post-CVA or brain injury (hemiplegia, contractures, sublaxation)
- spinal cord injuries (contractures, impaired ADL status)
- repetitive strain related to work station
- aging with decline in function (ADL)
Occupational Therapy : Treatment used
- rehabilitative, neuro-developmental and compensatory approach
- adaptive equipment for self care and work
- ergonomic solutions
- splinting and self-care equipment fabrication
- patient/caregiver education, home safety evaluations
- wheelchair seating and positioning (manual, electric, specialized)