Clinical Conversations

No need to spend a fortune searching for cures… Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is here to help!

Don’t let this be the start to your testimonial – “I had dealt with pain for over 5 years and had almost given up on treatments and spent a fortune searching for cures…” 

Let Nick Rinard Physical Therapy get you off on the right path with this testimonial –

“I was referred by my primary care provider for intense neck pain.

Everything – sitting, standing, breathing – caused me pain (even with prescription pain medications).

After 3 weeks of physical therapy, I’m completely cured!

I was skeptical that anything was going to help me,

but the repetitive, gradual approach worked wonders.

Thank you!”


Call 503-244-6232 to schedule your visit today!

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy getting RESULTS in 6-8 visits, even with the toughest cases for the last 20+ years!