All posts in Clinical Case of the Week

Results from the heart.


Results from the heart.

Thank you Terry for sharing!

“Sometime ago, I was injured rather severely, causing a constant agonizing nerve pain. A nurse at the hospital where I was examined recommended Diagnostic Physical Therapy; namely Nick Rinard and his associates.

Under Nick’s careful supervision, these highly trained professionals diagnosed my condition and started treatment immediately, and gave explicit instructions for exercises I was to do at home between visits.

Not only did the pain improve, but also my mental outlook, as the world suddenly seemed a worthwhile place to be. Sessions took place daily at first, then weekly, and eventually my condition was so much improved that I can now live a normal life.

Nick and his team of professionals have achieved a level of care and skill I had not previously seen, with a superb knowledge of the human body, especially the arts and sciences associated with muscle, bone, nerve and sinew, as well as an unexpected understanding of one’s mental and spiritual outlook.”



Nick Rinard Physical Therapy: Physical Therapy as IT SHOULD BE!

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy gets results in 4 visits.

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy: Physical Therapy as IT SHOULD BE!

“I came into the office because of neck pain and lack of range looking most directions.

Nick quickly diagnosed the issue and gave me simple exercises and stretches to re-align my neck and allow it to heal.

In the week after the first visit, I almost fully recovered range of motion and had reduced pain.

After 4 visits, I’m pain free and have full range of motion!

I have easy exercises to continue to hopefully maintain my status.

Nick and all of the staff ere great to work with!”



Are you not getting your steps in?

Are you not meeting your step goal because it is painful to walk?

Get back to your full potential with our help.

“My right knee was unable to bend or straighten fully and it was painful to walk.

Now I can fully bend and straighten my knee and walk on flat surfaces and up and down stairs without pain.”



Happy New Year!!

What a year to review!

Are you having shoulder pain?

“After surgery on my left shoulder I needed a ton of help regaining movement & strength.

I can do pretty much everything that I could do before my injury now – which I didn’t expect would be possible so THANK YOU SO MUCH!“


Are you having low back pain?

“I came after severe back pain. I was not able to bend over, walk for extended time, or sit without pain.

Right away I had better results from doing the exercises I was shown then I had ever had with my previous therapist.

I feel like we went at a good pace and throughout my treatment I have been able to increase my overall activity and quality of life.

I have been given the knowledge and tools I need to manage my pain on my own and my back pain has greatly improved!”


Are you having knee pain?

“I chose to come here because I read such great reviews.

After reading just a few, I knew this was the place where I needed to be.

I came for my knee, but after completing physical therapy for it, it feel like a lot more than just my knee has improved.

I have better knowledge of mind and body connection, much better balance, and my whole body is stronger overall.

This office has great energy and everyone who needs physical therapy should come here! ”


Failed back surgery?

“I was recommended to investigate the McKenzie Method for my recover, especially as my pain had greatly increased and did not seem to be improving.

The PT folks I was seeing at that time recommend that I check you all out as practitioners of this method. Although eventually we all concluded that a follow up surgery to replace my disk is necessary.

I have much more confidence that I will be able to live a life pain-free, or much reduced.

At the moment I can stand straighter than before, can drives for a short distance if necessary, and better manage my own pain w/o opioids.”


Let your New Year resolution be one of these testimonials.

Rid yourself of pain and get back to pre-injury/surgery levels!


Get your quality of life back!

“I came after severe back pain. I was not able to bend over, walk for extended time, or sit without pain.

Right away I had better results from doing the exercises I was shown then I had ever had with my previous therapist.

I feel like we went at a good pace and throughout my treatment I have been able to increase my overall activity and quality of life.

I have been given the knowledge and tools I need to manage my pain on my own and my back pain has greatly improved!”



Thank you Miranda for sharing your Nick Rinard Physical Therapy story!!

“Several years ago I saw Nick on a whim after battling daily migraines for over a year. I had seen countless doctors and specialists, had cat scans, tried everything I was told to try and didn’t get any relief. I was a stay at home mom to two kids under 4 at the time and the immense pressure and stress this was putting on me was nearly debilitating. I found this clinic when I had nearly lost hope.

At my consultation, Nick was able to positively identify the issue at its core (sub occipital muscle spasms) and put me on a physical therapy treatment plan to begin my healing. Something no doctor had been able to do in the years prior. I now have been migraine free for over 2 years. Since curing my migraines I have also seen Nick for other issues, which he usually is able to clear up for me in a matter of 1-2 weeks.
You’ll notice a difference immediately with Nicks way of diagnosing- he doesn’t just guess and begin treatment. He identifies the root cause through process of elimination.

Nick’s understanding of the dynamics of the human body is absolutely incredible, and his way of dealing with patients is both comforting and straightforward. I’ve recommended Nick to several people including 3 family members who have seen him and had results far beyond expectation. This is not your average physical therapy clinic. This is next level healing for even the most stubborn issues. I can’t thank Nick Rinard and his team enough for giving me my health back.”

