Clinical Conversations


Today I’d like to discuss the topic of accountability. That which helps you with your home exercise program so that you receive the maximum benefit from your physical therapy. I sought the help of two people I know rarely miss a workout. They use different strategies. One I like to call the “Pregame Plan” and the other is “Dress for Success Method.”

The Pregame Plan:
Every evening Nick lays out his workout clothes so when he wakes up the next morning, he is already prepared to follow through with his exercise agenda. Nick prioritizes self-care by getting his work out done before his work day begins so that he can benefit from the energizing effect of exercise throughout the day.

The Dress for Success Method:
After work each day, Erick changes out of his office attire and into his workout clothes. He allows himself an hour to decompress before heading to the gym. However, because he is already wearing his workout attire, he is prepared to follow through with exercise that day rather than surrender to the couch. Erick also organizes his workouts with his housemates, and they hold each other accountable by asking how each other’s workouts went that day.

What strategies do you use to help you remember to take good care of yourself? Are you more of a Pregame Planner or Dress for Success? Do you have a different method all together? Let us know what is helping you succeed with your accountability.

Margo Burette DPT