All posts in Exercise

Struggling with knee pain? Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is the place for you.

We can get you back to walking, exercising, running, enjoying your sport again….

“I had horrible knee pain that was keeping me from being a mobile as I wanted.

Even just going up and downstairs even hurt.

Dr. Rinard was amazing- best PT experience I’ve ever had.

Exercises were easy to do + only had once/week appointments after the first week.

I can no go down stairs with no pain, one legged lunges without pain, play tennis without pain, + do 5K walks or more without knee pain.




Today I’d like to discuss the topic of accountability. That which helps you with your home exercise program so that you receive the maximum benefit from your physical therapy. I sought the help of two people I know rarely miss a workout. They use different strategies. One I like to call the “Pregame Plan” and the other is “Dress for Success Method.”

The Pregame Plan:
Every evening Nick lays out his workout clothes so when he wakes up the next morning, he is already prepared to follow through with his exercise agenda. Nick prioritizes self-care by getting his work out done before his work day begins so that he can benefit from the energizing effect of exercise throughout the day.

The Dress for Success Method:
After work each day, Erick changes out of his office attire and into his workout clothes. He allows himself an hour to decompress before heading to the gym. However, because he is already wearing his workout attire, he is prepared to follow through with exercise that day rather than surrender to the couch. Erick also organizes his workouts with his housemates, and they hold each other accountable by asking how each other’s workouts went that day.

What strategies do you use to help you remember to take good care of yourself? Are you more of a Pregame Planner or Dress for Success? Do you have a different method all together? Let us know what is helping you succeed with your accountability.

Margo Burette DPT



Did you know that the majority of patients at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy are actually returning patients referred from years ago, or have been referred by a past patient?

We have asked our patients how we compared to other PT they had tried.  Here’s a small sample of what they had to say:

‘The other PT office was more like mass production-routing patients through.’ –Bryan

‘(Nick Rinard PT is) way better.  You actually fix things. ’ -Georgeanne

‘Nick Rinard PT taught me how to fix the problem myself-other therapists didn’t.’ -Gail

Why is Nick Rinard Physical Therapy different?

-Specialized MDT training allows our physical therapists to target the cause of a patient’s pain, not just treat the symptoms.

-Patients see a physical therapist at each visit-never a PT Assistant. 

-Exercises are simple and can be done anywhere.  No gym, no binder full of exercises.  Most of our patients can control their symptoms with just one targeted exercise!

Patients get the tools they need to succeed at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy!



We surveyed physicians who refer to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy.



  • “You get great results.”
  • “Good feedback in timely fashion.”
  • “Customer Service – great!”
  • “Positive Results!”
  • “It works for many patients, quickly – minimal visits.”
  • “It empowers the patient life-long.”
  • “If it does not work you’ll know within 2 visits.”
  • “Your group is kind, responsive, courteous.”
  • “Recommendation of other providers.”
  • “Courtesy shown to patients.”
  • “Results!”
  • “Excellent understanding and implementation of the McKenzie protocol.”
  • “Thorough assessment and plan.”
  • “Good results.”

Considering back surgery?

When you’re in pain, it may seem that anything that is going to make you feel better seems worth it.

But will back surgery alleviate your pain?

And is it really the quickest route to recovery?

Many times, the answer to both these questions is no. It wasn’t hard to find just 2 patients recently who received back surgery and were still in a great deal of pain-you can read their results bellow.

“After discussing my lower back pain with my nurse practitioner she prescribed my visit to Nick Rinard PT and was adamant I tried their program. Considering I live 70 miles away from their clinic, that was a big ask. The very first visit I learned a great deal about why I was in pain and had a plan in place. By the second visit I already started to notice results.”

“My experience with Nick Rinard and his whole team has been completely positive. Nick’s approach to physical therapy is consistently effective, easy to follow, and I have seen lasing results. The overall reduction in pain, increase in strength and improvement in my sense of personal control over my ability to manage what was once severe and extreme pain is nothing short of a miracle.”

Some people do need to undergo back surgery, but why not try Nick Rinard Cert MDT physical therapy first? Within 4 visits, our trained therapists can have you on the road to recovery, or recommend a next step for you if physical therapy is not your best solution.

Considering back surgery?

ONLY when all other avenues have been exhausted!


Get the jump on fall weather aches and pains

It seems like the warm weather just arrived yesterday, and the back to school commercials have already started! It seems that fall is quickly approaching.
Remember all those things you were planning to do this summer?
Was taking care of yourself and your aches and pains on that summer to-do list?
Now is the time to get started so that you can jump into your busy fall schedule without holding back!
Call 503-244-6232 today to get started!
