Clinical Conversations

Beat the Heat

Beat the Heat

Recently, some of my patients have been lamenting the climbing temperatures!  Oregonian’s who thrive under silver skies and temperate seasons are being scorched with hot weather this July.  Looking ahead, August promises more of the same vivid sunshine, heat haze, and adhesive humidity.

Beating the heat requires that we plan ahead to avoid the brunt of the heat wave and minimize our chance of suffering a heat related illness.  Heat related illnesses include heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Take a look at this article for more information about heat-related illness:

I have some simple strategies that I have recommended for our patients who are looking for ways to be active without suffering from the heat:

  • Get up and get after it. The morning offers the coolest temperatures of the day, and also the long morning shadows offer shade if you are walking/running outside.
  • Do extra laps inside the grocery store before doing your shopping. This provides an air-conditioned environment where you can get your daily step goal accomplished!
  • Hydrate! If you know you are going out to brave the sizzling afternoon heat, then plan ahead by bringing a water bottle to work with you so that you can build up a reserve of hydration before your planned activity.
  • Margo Burette, PT, DPT