Have you moved out of state and looking for a physical therapist that is as good as Nick?
If you have moved out of state Nick Rinard Physical Therapy offers telehealth that gets great results, but if you find yourself with a condition that needs in-person visits, here are some questions you might want to ask when looking for a physical therapist.
Is the PT known among patients and providers for getting the best results in the fewest visits?
Does the PT prioritize teaching the patient how to actively self-treat rather than provide a lot of passive treatment to the patient?
Is the PT disciplined in using evidence based care and applying logic to their assessments to find the most likely source of the problem and treat it with the simplest intervention possible?
Is the PT certified in MDT at a minimum?
Has the PT been successfully practicing at the above level for 20+ years?
Does the PT have a lot of patients who choose to return to them for their other issues?
Has the PT taught the methodology to other PTs?
Does the PT put their patients’ outcomes above their own ego and ambition?
Is the PT quick to refer out to another, more appropriate practitioner as soon as the patient fails to show improvement?
The list could go on.
Nick Rinard, Owner, Physical Therapist