Clinical Conversations

Learn more about the AMA’s prior authorization reform initiatives.

“Prior authorization is a health plan cost-control process that restricts patient access to treatments, drugs and services. This process requires physicians to obtain health plan approval before delivery of the prescribed treatment, test or medical service in order to qualify for payment.

According to an AMA survey of 1,000 practicing physicians, more than nine in 10 respondents said prior authorizations had a significant or somewhat negative clinical impact, with 28% reporting that prior authorizations had led to a serious adverse event such as a death, hospitalization, disability or permanent bodily damage, or other life-threatening event for a patient in their care. 

The vast majority of physicians (86%) described the administrative burden associated with prior authorizations as “high or extremely high,” and 88% said the burden has gone up in the last five years. 

Learn more about the AMA’s prior authorization reform initiatives.”

O’Reilly, Kevin B. Nov. 1, 2019 “8 prior authorization terms that drive every doctor crazy.” Received from