“I thought this was the end of my physical fitness routine (and youth) before coming to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy.
But I feel 100% better and know I have the right tools to address this issue if it should ever come back.
I loved all of the clear explanations I received regarding what was physically happening and causing my pain as well as the explanations for how the exercises help to mitigate and fix the pain.”
Health CARE Should be focused on what is best for YOU.
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy has always focused on individualized, personal care.
Our commitment to exceptional diagnosis means you get
results in half the visits as other physical therapy clinics.
High DEDUCTIBLES are making your choice of care based on “in-network” obsolete, giving you freedom to go out-of-network!
Paying out of pocket at our discounted family and friends rate of service is the fast track to getting your life back!
Call 503-244-6232 today to be pain free before you ever meet your deductible!
How are you sleeping these days?
Is pain keeping you up at night?
Do you feel like you need more and more pillows in attempts to find comfort?
You may benefit from physical therapy!
Call Nick Rinard Physical Therapy today and get on the path to better sleep!
Some patients seem to be thinking their doctors’ specific verbal in office advice for “physical therapy to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy” is all the same and going to places based on their convenience.
Call 503-244-6232 and let our clinic representatives explain to you in more detail the reasons why your doctor chose Nick Rinard Physical Therapy over other clinics in the area.
We know other clinics are not getting results like Nick Rinard Physical Therapy has for the last 20 years.
If you respond to the services offered at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy you will be provided with a lifelong resource.
Not all Physical Therapy is the same. Some are more effective than others. If you had Physical Therapy, did it work? If you are going to Physical Therapy now, is it helping? If yes, you should continue until you are better. However, if you are not getting better, or if you need Physical Therapy in the future, then you should read on.
Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) has been shown in numerous scientific studies to be the most effective type of Physical Therapy available today. However, you should know just what MDT is so you can be sure you are actually receiving it.
The MDT method does not rely on technological gadgets such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation commonly used in traditional Physical Therapy. There is little evidence to show that these machines actually help in recovery. Instead, Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, as its name suggests, uses mechanical forces to centralize referred pain, and to correct the physical problem. Exercises designed specifically for each patient, affect pain immediately, and can be performed by the patient whenever pain arises. Over a short time, these exercises heal the injury and allow full recovery. In our clinic, Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, the average number of visits is only six and a half!
Medical Advisory: MDT is a Superior Form of Physical Therapy
First off….Is shopping for health insurance even a thing? Like you shop for car insurance or home owners insurance?
How much of a choice do you get when choosing an insurance company?
Do you get to choose them based on patient reviews of how they pay for patients visits?
Do you get to choose them based on results?
Do you know what benefits your plan provides yet find that the insurance company will end up denying them?
These are just a few questions patients rarely get answers to when purchasing health insurance… and can only find out after it is too late- that patients are just paying premiums for nothing!
Physical therapy providers are starting to identify some very good reasons why involving your insurance may NOT be in your best interest! Nick Rinard Physical Therapy wants to save you money. Our pay-at-time-of-service rate eliminates billing uncertainties from insurance companies. We are making visits more affordable and getting better health outcomes for patients.
Call Nick Rinard Physical Therapy to get free of pain. Save time and money today.
Now is the time to call 503-244-6232 to schedule today.
After what seems like an eternity, it is finally time to prepare the garden and start seeds!
Here are a few tips to keep you in the dirt all spring and summer long.
· Avoid prolonged bending. Kneeling on a pad or bringing a stool outside will save your back and your knees.
· Clear your path, and get additional help before moving or lifting heavy pots or bags of soil.
· When lifting, be sure that you keep your back straight and lift from your legs.
· Be aware of your posture while gardening. Many of us are prone to slouching, so take note and sit up straight.
· Call Nick Rinard Physical Therapy right away if you notice any back pain.
· Getting in sooner than later equals fewer visits and you are back to doing what you love.
Who else is thankful that the ice is gone?!
Unfortunately, the damage it left behind is still littering countless yards and parks.
Have you been working to clean up your yard? How is your back/neck/shoulder feeling?
If your answers are anything less than “great!” call and schedule an appointment at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy today.

With the holiday season starting, it is important to remember that to take care of others you must take care of yourself.
The more you know, the better you can arrest the pain you experience.
Educating oneself is a great form of exercise.
Give yourself the knowledge to control, manage, prevent and understand your…..
1. Neck pain
2. Shoulder pain
3. Elbow pain
4. Wrist pain
5. Back pain
6. Hip pain
7. Knee pain
8. Ankle pain
9. Foot pain
Even if your symptoms are:
-Chronic in nature
-Resulted after surgery
– Postural related
-Work station associated
– Response to a car accident
– Triggered with repetitive use
– Pre/post pregnancy related
– Occurs during/after exercise
– Coupled with prolonged stress
– Undiagnosed by your physician
– Initiated from previous therapies
Empower yourself.
Prevent your pain before it occurs.
Get educated relief from your aches at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy.

Dealing with pain on a daily basis is fatiguing and frustrating.
At Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, we empower our patients with individual, customized home exercise programs to help you gain control of your symptoms.
We believe in education, and prioritize teaching our patients how to become effective in their daily routines. If you are tired of being a victim to your out of control symptoms, contact us! 503-244-6232 or have or doctor fax a referral to 503-244-7410
Our team is dedicated to helping you chart a course to better health.