All Posts tagged sun safety

The official first day of summer is upon us.

It has been a busy and wonderful spring at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy!

We are excited about getting you pain free from all your injuries so that you can slide into your favorite summer activities!

While a lot of injuries can occur during activities, it’s just as common to injure yourself slouching on the couch with your feet up while you have been waiting for the rain to stop and the sun to shine.

Your seasonal pains could point to a chronic condition that could easily be treated.

With summer just around the corner take care of your aches and pains now before they get worse.

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is ALWAYS here to help!


Sun is happening in the PNW

Sunny days and hotter temperatures are on their way.

Summer weather may be here – but we may not be summer ready.

View of Columbia gorge from Mosier Oregon.

Here are some tips to keep you safe and healthy this weekend:

Please remember to wear sunscreen, stay hydrated in the heat, keep out of the rivers as they are still to cold for swimming, and keep outside activities adjusted to what your body can handle.

Have fun whatever your plans may be!
