All Posts tagged sleep

Physical therapy is about hope!

“When he handed me Nick Rinard’s card, my chiropractor said he sends his difficult cases to him.

I had persistent back pain that didn’t respond to chiropractic treatments or traditional physical therapy.

With pain being a great motivator, I called Nick’s office.

My path to recovery wasn’t a straight one.

To my surprise I need a total hip replacement. Nick was with me every step of the way and provided a personalized treatment plan both pre-and post- surgery.

Nick helped me navigate the path from debilitating pain to regaining function.

I can now about basic day-to-day activities like sleeping, getting out of bed, sitting, standing, going up and down stairs, and making through the entire grocery store.

I feel strong and bolder both physically and mentally.

Nick understands that physical therapy is more than just physical.

It is also about hope.”



Is your sleep becoming compromised?

Get your sleep back by calling and scheduling your evaluation at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy today.

“I was not able to walk my usual 2 miles a day and I was having pain all day and night in the thigh.

Because I could not massage it out, I figured it was a spinal referral pain.

Having been “fixed” by the McKenzie Method of lower back pain after a fall in 2014, I asked my provider for a referral here.

I can walk as much as I want now. I can sleep with no pain.”

