All posts by Krissy Brown

Share you Nick Rinard Physical Therapy Results with the World!

We want to share your good experience at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy with the world, and your online reviews make a big difference. Included are links where you can leave your reviews, thank you in advance!





Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is all about getting you back to your BEST!

Part One:

Hi. My name is Sheldon and I have been a resident here at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy for the past month. I wanted to share a case that shows the efficacy of mechanical diagnosis and therapy (MDT) method, when guided by certified MDT physical therapists.

Bob had been suffering from agonizing pain throughout his body from a motor vehicle accident over 6 months ago. He did not seek physical therapy or other health services because he thought the pain would naturally get better. However, over those months his symptoms grew worse and started to limit his daily function. His lifestyle also changed from being an active outdoors man to sedentary. He finally came to the office after months of suffering and didn’t really know what to expect.


Part two:

During the evaluation, we focused on Bob’s neck symptoms. We guided him through several movements to help identify his pain pattern, but Bob’s pain didn’t follow the typical pattern of a “normal” injury. Throughout the all movements, flexion (head nodding) was the only one that did not increase his symptoms. We prescribed him to do flexion of the neck every hour for 10 repetitions. After a few days for a follow up appointment, Bob’s symptoms significantly improved. We concluded that Bob fit the MDT category as flexion derangement.

Bob reports his symptoms are now nearly gone!  After just 4 sessions, he is now independent with his home exercise program. He is continuing to do strengthening exercises to increase his function. He has returned his leisurely activities with minimal pain. Bob is happy with the results and now seeking treatment for other body parts at our clinic. So if you have been suffering from pain for months without a good solution, come on in and we will help you get to the bottom of the issue.


20 years of service

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy has been helping people with the Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy method for over 19 years . 2019 Marks the 20 years of service!
WE have helped so many of you get back to a pain-free life.

Thank you for giving Nick Rinard Physical Therapy the
pleasure of getting YOU RESULTS! Thank you for your continued support by keeping us informed that you are still doing your exercises! We are proud to be a part of your journey.

Are you or any of your friends and family not getting results from other physical therapy methods?
Call 503-244-6232 today!


Don’t be fooled by our competitors….

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy looked at “McKenzie physical therapy Portland” to see which clinics advertised using this credentialed method. We noticed a trend of clinics advertising use of the method but none of their physical therapists were actually certified in MDT. Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is certified in the methodology, has been for the last 19 years and always will be update in the MDT community! Make sure you are getting this scientific, up to date, physical therapy treatment by scheduling your visit at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy.
