Clinical Conversations

Osteoporosis Facts

Osteoporosis is the leading cause of fractures resulting in billions of dollars being spent in the healthcare system. As a physical therapist, it is important to educate the public on information for reducing the risk of fracture, which is a frequent and possibly serious co-morbidity of osteoporosis. The public is subjected to multiple commercials advertising medications that can help fight osteoporosis.  What they may not know, is that simple exercise alone can improve your bone density, decrease your risk of fractures and doesn’t come attached to a list of adverse side effects.


  • Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to decreased mineral content and bone density, resulting in a weakening of the bone
  • The incidence of this disease has been shown to increase with older age
  • Worldwide, 50% of women over the age of 60 will have an osteoporotic fracture, an incidence rate that is larger than the combined incident rates of heart attack, stroke, and breast cancer.
  • One study from 1992 had a worldwide projection that osteoporotic fractures would affect one-third of all men during their lifetime by the year 2050.
  • Primary risk factors for osteoporotic fractures include low bone mineral density, deterioration of bone, older age, Caucasian race, female sex, lower body weight and AN INACTIVE LIFESTYLE.

Picture of woman running wearing RinardPT logo

What can you do?

  • Exercise can decrease the risk of an osteoporosis related fracture by 50%
  • One study found that weight bearing exercise for 20 minutes a day can positively affect risk factors associated with osteoporotic fractures among elderly women.  The exercises for the intervention group included: jumping, dancing, walking, strengthening, and balance exercises.  The exercise group had increased leg strength as well as improvement in walking speed and endurance, as compared to the control group. In a long-term follow-up study, the same authors found that the above intervention decreased mortality in women with osteopenia (a precursor to Osteoporosis).
  • A bi-weekly exercise routine developed by your PT can increase your bone density.
  • Muscle contraction and mechanical loading deform bone and stimulate activity of osteoblasts, the cells which build bone. It is, therefore, not surprising that these interventions improve bone mineral density.

Want to learn more?


The story heard all too often…

Dear Patients,

The road you take to get to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is just as unique as the pain you feel, care you receive, and results you achieve! It should not take time or be costly.

The story we have heard all too often is…

“Nick Rinard Physical Therapy was the last resort.”

Don’t let this be the start to your testimonial, “I had dealt with pain for over 5 years and had almost given up on treatments and spent a fortune searching for cures…” 

 Let Nick Rinard Physical Therapy get you off on the right path with this  same

testimonial… “and after 8 visits at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy I am 100% pain free!”

It is our job is to help you!

This includes helping you and future patients find the fastest route to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, ensuring that you receive quality care, and once you get here, aiding in getting you the best advice of what to do next if we can’t help!

Please do not hesitate to call Nick Rinard if there is anything we can do to help you get answers you can trust,

The entire team at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy


Thank you Marjorie for sharing your results with the world!

“Once again, Nick and his team (this time, excellent PT Katie) has got me moving again with very little pain.

Over the 10+ years I’ve seen them, I think they have treated every body part!

This time, it was the feet – a passion of Katie’s.

As is their style, she slowly led me through a progression of stretching, strength-building, and massaging exercises. The homework required just a few minutes a few times a day.

Huge change for the better in my feet! Far less pain, greater mobility, improved balance.”



5 Star Google Review


Who do you know?

Do you have any family members or friends that complain of low back pain or neck tension? 

Recommend Nick Rinard Physical Therapy! 

Do you know anyone that has been in physical therapy before and did not receive the results they expected?

 Send them our way! 

As you have come to know and trust- Nick Rinard Physical Therapy continues to get results, even with the toughest cases, for over 20years!

Have your friends and family call 503-244-6232 today!


Get in and get out- when you schedule your physical therapy visit right after an injury.

Get in and get healed correctly right after your injury.

“I hurt my back lifting and twisting, something I’d done regularly with no issues.

The pain was intense, I was having trouble sleeping and couldn’t turn around while driving.

I got an appointment 2 days after I hurt myself.

After 4 visits with Nick my back is completely normal.

No pain and I can do everything I used to be able to do.

I’m very happy I started therapy with Nick so soon after the injury, and I’m pleasantly surprised how easily it was healed.”


Happy Memorial Day

We hope everyone is having a very happy Memorial Day weekend.

Be safe, have fun and enjoy time with family and friends.

We are always here to help you celebrate these moments free of pain.

We looking forward to seeing all our patients back in the clinic on Tuesday.


Will you be shopping for new health insurance?

First off….Is shopping for health insurance even a thing? Like you shop for car insurance or home owners insurance?

How much of a choice do you get when choosing an insurance company?

Do you get to choose them based on patient reviews of how they pay for patients visits?

Do you get to choose them based on results?

Do you know what benefits your plan provides yet find that the insurance company will end up denying them?

These are just a few questions patients rarely get answers to when purchasing health insurance… and can only find out after it is too late- that patients are just paying premiums for nothing!

Physical therapy providers are starting to identify some very good reasons why involving your insurance may NOT be in your best interest! Nick Rinard Physical Therapy wants to save you money. Our pay-at-time-of-service rate eliminates billing uncertainties from insurance companies. We are making visits more affordable and getting better health outcomes for patients.

Call Nick Rinard Physical Therapy to get free of pain. Save time and money today.

Now is the time to call 503-244-6232 to schedule today.


Your reviews matter.

Thank you so much Lacey for sharing your story on google about how Nick Rinard Physical Therapy has helped you!

May your google stories help others find Nick Rinard Physical Therapy and the path to a life they are in charge of!


“I’ve been going to Nick Rinard PT for about a year and a half, treating a variety of ailments (it’s hell getting old!) but mostly focused on my hip. In fact, on my first visit, Nick figured out that my right butt muscle didn’t work and had to be shocked into activation! I’ve learned so much about my body and get amazing results from his therapy. The staff & PT’s are wonderful and welcoming. I always feel 100x better after an appointment and the take home therapy is always clear, easy to do, and it actually works!” Lacey

