Time for some interesting radiology: A child presents with shoulder pain after a fall. Is this a fracture or not?
MoreHealth insurance companies are not health care specialists. They do not have a degree that is centered around healing the human body. So, I ask, why are they withholding coverage because they have deemed your aches and pains not “medically necessary?” This leaves you to pay the bill they have promised, as your client, to pay on your behalf.
When health insurance inappropriately “diagnoses” your symptoms, they are compromising the quality of care you receive.
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy never sacrifices the QUALITY of care we provide!
Take control of your health TODAY at our Friends and Family Rates.
MoreHealth insurance companies are not health care specialists. They do not have a degree that is centered around healing the human body. So, I ask, why are they withholding coverage because they have deemed your aches and pains not “medically necessary?” This leaves you to pay the bill they have promised, as your client, to pay on your behalf.
When health insurance inappropriately “diagnoses” your symptoms, they are compromising the quality of care you receive.
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy never sacrifices the QUALITY of care we provide!
Take control of your health TODAY at our Friends and Family Rates.
MoreHave you self diagnosed… gone down the medical equipment aisle, picked out a brace you thought would help only to find you are still in pain months later? One size does not fit all. Correctly knowing what you are splinting and why makes all the difference. There is no reason to live with hand pain, when all it takes is a splint made just for you by Natasha Rinard OT. to get immediate relief!