All posts in Clinical Case of the Week

Is your “In-network” PT helping you get rid of your back pain in the first visit?

A generic referral to an “in-network” PT isn’t always your best option.

Take Sean’s results. Nick Rinard has helped him over the last 15 years. Nick Rinard has saved him time, money and helped him live a life free from back pain.

“Low back pain [prompted him to schedule a visit].

Now [I] can walk, run, sit without pain.

I first came to Rinard Therapy 15 years ago, when I was experiencing back pain so severe I could barely walk.

My health plan PT didn’t help, but luckily a friend steered me to Rinard.

They had me diagnosed and pain reduce from the first session.

I’ve come back a few times over the years, when pain returned.

Rinard has always carefully re-diagnosed me and updated my PT to resolve the problems.”




Do you want to compete?

Are injuries preventing you from doing the things you love?

Physical Therapy from Nick Rinard Physical Therapy can not only help you get back to pre-injury status, but leave you feeling better than ever!

“Just a thank you for my therapy!

You allowed me to train and compete in the U.S. National Triathlon with no injuries!

45 of 55 women 65-69years.

Thank you.” ~ Cindy


The story heard all too often…

Dear Patients,

The road you take to get to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is just as unique as the pain you feel, care you receive, and results you achieve! It should not take time or be costly.

The story we have heard all too often is…

“Nick Rinard Physical Therapy was the last resort.”

Don’t let this be the start to your testimonial, “I had dealt with pain for over 5 years and had almost given up on treatments and spent a fortune searching for cures…” 

 Let Nick Rinard Physical Therapy get you off on the right path with this  same

testimonial… “and after 8 visits at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy I am 100% pain free!”

It is our job is to help you!

This includes helping you and future patients find the fastest route to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, ensuring that you receive quality care, and once you get here, aiding in getting you the best advice of what to do next if we can’t help!

Please do not hesitate to call Nick Rinard if there is anything we can do to help you get answers you can trust,

The entire team at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy


Thank you Marjorie for sharing your results with the world!

“Once again, Nick and his team (this time, excellent PT Katie) has got me moving again with very little pain.

Over the 10+ years I’ve seen them, I think they have treated every body part!

This time, it was the feet – a passion of Katie’s.

As is their style, she slowly led me through a progression of stretching, strength-building, and massaging exercises. The homework required just a few minutes a few times a day.

Huge change for the better in my feet! Far less pain, greater mobility, improved balance.”



5 Star Google Review


Get in and get out- when you schedule your physical therapy visit right after an injury.

Get in and get healed correctly right after your injury.

“I hurt my back lifting and twisting, something I’d done regularly with no issues.

The pain was intense, I was having trouble sleeping and couldn’t turn around while driving.

I got an appointment 2 days after I hurt myself.

After 4 visits with Nick my back is completely normal.

No pain and I can do everything I used to be able to do.

I’m very happy I started therapy with Nick so soon after the injury, and I’m pleasantly surprised how easily it was healed.”


Your reviews matter.

Thank you so much Lacey for sharing your story on google about how Nick Rinard Physical Therapy has helped you!

May your google stories help others find Nick Rinard Physical Therapy and the path to a life they are in charge of!


“I’ve been going to Nick Rinard PT for about a year and a half, treating a variety of ailments (it’s hell getting old!) but mostly focused on my hip. In fact, on my first visit, Nick figured out that my right butt muscle didn’t work and had to be shocked into activation! I’ve learned so much about my body and get amazing results from his therapy. The staff & PT’s are wonderful and welcoming. I always feel 100x better after an appointment and the take home therapy is always clear, easy to do, and it actually works!” Lacey



Are you experiencing thumb pain?

Let Natasha Rinard OT get you results today!

“My thumb joint was very painful to use is why I currently see Natasha.

She is an expert at making a custom fitting splint and teaching why the joint is painful.

She takes incremental steps to pace progress in a a direction resulting in less pain and finally to dismissal.

The skills Natasha taught me will apply to other joints and gives me a lasting remedy to use in order to stay pain free.

The office atmosphere is light hearted and friendly so I look forward to my visits. I can’t always comply with the program set out for me while at work but Natasha is ready with alternatives and encouragement.

I always feel confident I will recover from my injury or pain after the care I receive from the staff at Nick Rinard’s physical therapy.”



Are you ready to run?

“I struggled for the best part of a year with a hip/back problem that fundamentally limited my running, biking, and skiing.

 It was very frustrating as I wondered if I’d have to give up running, a sport I depend on for physical & emotional release. 

I tried various forms of PT, yoga, and chiropractic care with no relief and some progression of symptoms. 

A lumber spine MRI revealed a host of problems, and a recommendation of a steroid injection. 

A friendly physician advised me against this, and my primary doctor suggested I check out Nick and team.

What a change!  Within a couple of visits I was starting to run symptom-free again, and I’m feeling very active, with my physical activity now limited by my cardiovascular condition rather than my injury.”  -Malcolm

Now is the time to call 503-244-6232 to schedule today.


Have you been experiencing pain for weeks or even years?

The centers for drug and disease control have come forth with opioid prescription guidelines for primary care physicians. Medical associations are training doctors about opioid’s side effects, urging them to use remedies such as physical therapy. You don’t even need a referral from your doctor to schedule to your visit with Nick Rinard Physical Therapy today and take control of your pain.

If you do get an order for physical therapy ask your doctor if the referral is to a  clinic known for getting patients better? They may need your help in knowing where to send you and other patients.

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy,  certified MDT PT’s,  are able to predict after only 3-4 visits if you will ‘respond’ to physical therapy.

Tell your doctor about Nick Rinard Physical Therapy today.

By identifying these patients rapidly, we, as a health care team, can help you better direct the care of your patients, putting a stop to “chronic pain!”


Are you contemplating surgery? Try Nick Rinard Physical Therapy first!

Get results from Nick Rinard Physical Therapy prior to or after surgery!

“Primary doctor suggested therapy after my January physical before considering any surgery.

I’m glad the doctor suggested therapy, mainly due to my age and recovery time that accompanies surgery.

I feel I’m back to 95-98% of what I was prior to therapy and should maintain this status by faithfully doing the exercise they have given me.

I would recommend Nick Rinard to anyone requiring physical therapy either prior to or after surgery!”

