All posts in Physical Therapy Tips

Ice: The over used modality

‘R.I.C.E.’ Coined in 1978

‘R.I.C.E.’ (rest, ice, compression, elevation) was coined in 1978 by Dr. Gabe Mirkin. Since then, ice has been the standard treatment for injuries and sore muscles. The RICE guidelines have been used for decades, but it now appears that ice and rest may delay healing.

Scientific Articles Don’t Support Ice for Healing

Image of Ice glistening as it melts.

A study from The American Journal of Sports Medicine, June 2013 asked athletes to exercise intensely enough to develop muscle damage that caused extensive muscle soreness. It was found that icing delayed swelling, but did not quicken the healing process.  A summary of 22 scientific articles found little to no evidence supporting that ice and compression facilitate healing over compression alone.


Inflammation is required for healing. Inflammation is a part of our immune system and is essential in the healing process. Inflammatory cells migrate to the injured tissue to start the healing process. Macrophages (inflammatory cells) release a hormone into injured tissues, which helps muscles and other injured tissues heal.  Applying ice to reduce swelling can delay healing by preventing the body from releasing this hormone.

Icing can also prevent healing cells from entering the injured tissues by constricting blood-flow.  It can take hours for the blood vessels to return to their size. Icing can also decrease strength, speed, endurance and coordination.

General Tips for Using Ice

If you’re going to ice, only apply ice for 10-15 minutes at a time.  Utilize ice for the first day of injury.  Seek medical attention from a mechanical physical therapist if the pain is severe or you cannot actively move a body part.


Just a friendly reminder…

NOW is  the BEST time to get the treatment you need for your aches and pains and…

…get better before your insurance deductible or health savings account renews.

Get the most out of your dollars.

The end of the year is FAST approaching.

More quickly than we expect.

With an average number of visits of just 6-8, you can complete treatment before the end of the year  and make the most of your health care benefits.

Don’t hesitate– call 503-244-6232

Schedule your evaluation today!


Fall is just a day away…

It has been a busy and wonderful summer at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy!

We are excited about getting you pain free from summer injuries so that you can slide into your favorite fall activities!

While a lot of injuries can occur during activities, it’s just as common to injure yourself slouching on the couch with your feet up.

Of course the chill of fall can cause you to start to creak like the brittle leaves that fall, it is best not to ignore these symptoms just because they happen every year.

Your seasonal pains could point to a chronic condition that could easily be treated.

With winter just around the corner take care of your aches and pains now before they get worse.

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is ALWAYS here to help!


Do insurance terms have you confused?

Challenges of our unstable economy is that our community must face unpredictable health care coverage and bizarre terms insurance companies use to deny patient visits. 

Patients discover, often way too late, that their insurance does not cover them when they need it most.

Health insurance plans are misleading patients with vague terms such as “medical necessity” and “prior-authorization”.

With these terms patients can suddenly find themselves with unexpected health care costs, after having the impression they were covered.

It is up to patients to get wise to their health insurance loop holes.

Our patients have found, regardless of all costs, that the quality of care Nick Rinard Physical Therapy gives exceeds all else.

We strive to simplify patients’ decisions by providing fast, efficient care that guarantees results.


Take control of your health today!

Are you being limited by pain that prevents you from taking part in the activities you enjoy?

Having difficulty getting through your daily routine due to pain that just keeps getting worse?

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy can help you take control of your heath, give you the knowledge and skills you need to confidently self-treat and prevent future pain.

Call Nick Rinard Physical Therapy at

503-244-6232 to schedule an Evaluation or Free Screen!


Getting the right care is so important!

At Nick Rinard Physical Therapy you get the right care at the right time, every time.

“I came in to do therapy on my right foot due to a stress fracture of the cuboid.

First doctor I saw had me walking on a broken foot for 3 weeks!

Foot specialist finally had me in a boot and staying off it for 2 1/2-3months.

I was in so much pain and being in boot for long I have pretty bad muscle atrophy.

My appointments with Katie were SO helpful!
Got stabilized and strengthened my foot and leg!

Thank you!”



Referrals come from your friends!

In the past, we used to go to a doctor we had known for most of our lives -for everything.

They saw us at our worst  and would send us off to a place that was best suited to get us better.

All that has changed in the last 10 years. No longer are you with a doctor, but you are guided by a corporation of doctors.  You are scheduled to see someone in your group  of OHSU, Legacy, Providence, or Kaiser just to name a few in the Portland area.  If your doctor leaves, you stay and get a new one and now when they refer you out, it is to another specialist in the same corporation– whether they can get you better or not.

It is the people around you who know you best. Your friends and family are the new source of advice. They want to always see you at your best– trust their recommendations in Nick Rinard Physical Therapy! 

Getting patient  results for the last 20+ years.
