All posts in Medical Advisory

Practical and Effective Treatment

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy continues to get patients results with “practical and effective treatment” since 1996!

Getting patients better in as little as 3 visits with only an average of 6-8 visits per patient. 


“After a hit + run accident on my bile, I have spent the last year recovering to the point where I could focus on a shoulder injury.

The orthopedic surgeon referred me to PT and I am delighted that after only three visits, my range of motion has returned and my pain has disappeared.

Thanks to the office staff for promptly scheduling me + to the PT for practical and effective treatment.”



Nick Rinard Physical Therapy: Keeping PT the way it should be!

We have all seen it, heard it, and even experienced it. 12-24 visits of Physical Therapy without results.

This is not the way physical therapy should be.

Patients should expect results at every visit- notice a change- see a path forward and a clear end to treatment.

“Nick is very professional and ethical.

Although I was approved for six visits, Nick felt that all progress to be made was accomplished in three visits.

This was very important to me.

He should be commended for business ethics.

Lastly, I am much better than when the PT started!”


Have you moved out of state and looking for a physical therapist that is as good as Nick?

If you have moved out of state Nick Rinard Physical Therapy offers telehealth that gets great results, but if you find yourself with a condition that needs in-person visits, here are some questions you might want to ask when looking for a physical therapist.

Is the PT known among patients and providers for getting the best results in the fewest visits?

Does the PT prioritize teaching the patient how to actively self-treat rather than provide a lot of passive treatment to the patient?

Is the PT disciplined in using evidence based care and applying logic to their assessments to find the most likely source of the problem and treat it with the simplest intervention possible?

Is the PT certified in MDT at a minimum?

Has the PT been successfully practicing at the above level for 20+ years?

Does the PT have a lot of patients who choose to return to them for their other issues?

Has the PT taught the methodology to other PTs?

Does the PT put their patients’ outcomes above their own ego and ambition?

Is the PT quick to refer out to another, more appropriate practitioner as soon as the patient fails to show improvement?

The list could go on.

Nick Rinard, Owner, Physical Therapist



Leg pain can come from a back injury.

By MiKayla Sanocki, SPT

Did you know a back problem can cause symptoms such as pain, decreased strength and decreased sensations into the thigh, calf, ankle or foot? Physical therapists trained in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) here at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy can determine during the evaluation if any of these lower leg symptoms are coming from your back.

Check out this bizarre clinical presentation we treated at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy:

She did not remember any trauma to the ankle

The patient came to physical therapy for an “ankle sprain” that occurred 3-months earlier.  She stated she woke up unable to put any weight on her right foot. The pain had remained constant in her ankle, so bad at times that she couldn’t walk!  Upon further questioning, the patient revealed what she had been doing the day before: She had driven 2 hours, on her way home from helping clean a house. During the drive she had discomfort in her buttock and hamstring that made her want to pull the car over to stretch.  She did not remember any trauma to the ankle, however, but the ankle pain was the only pain she was experiencing now.

Her ankle pain has caused her to quit running and yoga — two of her favorite activities.

Mechanical Evaluation finds cause in spine

Picture of woman running wearing RinardPT logo

During the mechanical evaluation we found that certain directions of low back movements decreased the pain in her ankle.  After being sent home with 1 simple exercise to perform every waking hour – which she did perfectly – she returned within 24 hours reporting 90% recovery in pain! Over the next week we were able to progress her exercises and now the patient reports no ankle pain at all. In only 4 visits we were able to abolish her ankle pain, and she is now getting back to running and yoga!

The patient reports, “I now have the tools to prevent the return of my back and ankle pain”.

Treatment at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy vs Traditional PT

In contrast to MDT, traditional PT would not have uncovered the spinal cause of the patient’s ankle pain.  Treatment would have been ineffective since it would have focused only on trying to treat the symptom.

Do you know if your pain in the legs or arms could be coming from the spine?  Schedule your evaluation at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy and find out! 



Heal faster! Go to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy First!

“I had seen a previous PT for a few visits and didn’t feel any better – I thought my sprained ankle was a lost cause.

On my first visit with Dr. Rinard, he diagnosed my issue and provided immediate relief.

I had several PT appointments and felt constant improvement.

I’m back to running and playing volleyball and I could have done it without his help/patience/understanding and knowledge.

Thank you so much! ”



Getting patients results since 1996

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy- where patients come to get results from physical therapy!

“I had lower back pain for the past 4 years & previous physical therapy visits & exercises only had temporary results.
After only 6 visits I can go back to my regularly scheduled daily HIT classes.
I’m so confident that if I had another pain issue in the future I can come back to Nick & get it fixed.”



Just a reminder as coronavirus cases rise in Oregon.

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy has continued SAFETY MEASURES and are ALWAYS here for you!

Our staff is fully vaccinated and continues to follow social distancing, sanitation protocols and wear masks.

New patients and established patients will find every visit very valuable and should not delay care due to increases in Coronavirus cases.

We are here to diagnose, educate, offer tools, listen to concerns, and meet all safety needs of every patient.

May all our patients stay safe, healthy and have a quick recovery should they test positive for Coronavirus this summer.

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is here for you.


Sun is happening in the PNW

Sunny days and hotter temperatures are on their way.

Summer weather may be here – but we may not be summer ready.

View of Columbia gorge from Mosier Oregon.

Here are some tips to keep you safe and healthy this weekend:

Please remember to wear sunscreen, stay hydrated in the heat, keep out of the rivers as they are still to cold for swimming, and keep outside activities adjusted to what your body can handle.

Have fun whatever your plans may be!


Medication, surgery or physical therapy?

When it comes to pain you have 3 major options:

Medication, surgery and physical therapy.

Out of the 3 – Physical Therapy is the first road to take.


Surgery is not a cure all when it comes to back pain.

Physical therapy restores movement, function and quality of life.

Physical therapy is cost saving over medications and surgery.

Injuries heal quicker with physical therapy.

Medications are just a quick fix.

Over the counter medicines have negative consequences with long term use.

Physical therapy helps manage chronic pain for life.

Physical therapy manages the effects of arthritis.

Physical therapy prevents joint pain and instabilities.

No risk profile for physical therapy.

Physical therapy is totally reversible and no toxicity.

Physical therapy is the most organic holistic approach that exists.

No unknown ingredients.


What are your reasons to choose physical therapy?


Is your sleep becoming compromised?

Get your sleep back by calling and scheduling your evaluation at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy today.

“I was not able to walk my usual 2 miles a day and I was having pain all day and night in the thigh.

Because I could not massage it out, I figured it was a spinal referral pain.

Having been “fixed” by the McKenzie Method of lower back pain after a fall in 2014, I asked my provider for a referral here.

I can walk as much as I want now. I can sleep with no pain.”

