All posts in Medical Advisory

Get informed!

Do you know the difference between in-network versus out-of-network terms that insurance companies use (to scare you)?

When a doctor signs a contract to be “in-network” with an insurance company, they are actually pledging to become an “agent” of the insurance company, and do what is best for the insurance.  They are restricted from advocating for their patients, which awkwardly creates a conflict of interest.  They are also agreeing to take lower and lower payments that may not cover the basic expense of what it costs to actually treat a patient – they are choosing to cut costs at the expense of quality.

Instead of seeing your doctor, you are seeing a “care extender”.

Instead of spending a full session with a provider you are spending more time with assistants.

Instead of having a provider that listens, you have a provider that is doing paper work.

Get your benefits checked with Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, even if you’re “out-of-network” you may be surprised what you find.

Even if we are “out of network”, Nick Rinard Physical Therapy gets results in fewer visits than other PT clinics, so your total out of pocket costs may not actually be more than lower quality “in-network” clinics.  Cost per visit is not relevant if there are fewer visits, and you actually get better!

Everyone deserves quality care!


Nick Rinard Physical continues to make safety our #1 concern!

Since the easing of orders on July 4th Nick Rinard Physical continues to make safety our #1 concern!

We have continued SAFETY MEASURES and are ALWAYS here for you!

Our staff is fully vaccinated and continues to follow social distancing, sanitation protocols and wear masks.

New patients and established patients will find every visit very valuable and should not delay care due to increases in Coronavirus cases.

We are here to diagnose, educate, offer tools, listen to concerns, and meet all safety needs to get patients through this difficult time.

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy loves treating patients and happy to keep not only our doors open but also our hands and hearts to get everyone the results you have come to know and trust for the last 20 years.


Do you know what your health insurance actually covers?

Do you have the feeling, or expect, that Physical Therapy should be covered by your insurance?

Physical therapy providers are starting to identify some very good reasons why involving your insurance may NOT be in your best interest!

Just like filing an auto insurance claim for damage that doesn’t meet your deductible – it is often best to forego involving your insurance and just pay out of pocket. There is no need to inform your car insurance that there was any damage and risk them increasing your premiums the next time your policy renews. It is the same with filing a health insurance claim. Filing a small claim for physical therapy can have negative complications and unintended consequences. Especially when you can get diagnosed in 2-4 visit at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, and get good results soon after that, it is better to not have your insurance medaling in your physical therapy affairs by questioning whether you “deserve” physical therapy or not.

Health insurance companies are demanding more and more that patients meet certain criteria, through one-size-fits-none measurements to either deny you care, or begrudgingly agree to authorize just a limited number of visits. This is insulting to your legitimate pain, and disrespectful of your medical providers who should be the only ones deciding if you need care or not.  Also, your insurance reserves the right to determine – even after the fact – that your care is/was not “medically necessary” and deny your claims leaving you with an unforeseeable bill. This really is unethical and undermines your relationship with your provider.  Also, insurance companies are increasing your cost of care to save themselves money with patient portions closer and closer to the total bill. You, the patient, are better off just paying at time of service at our clinic and not bothering with the extra headache, expense, and disrespectful treatment associated with filing insurance claims – even though you are totally legitimate!

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy’ wants to save you money. Our pay at time of service rate eliminates billing uncertainties from insurance companies. We are making visits more affordable and getting better health outcomes for patients. Advantages to paying at time of service include that patients get uninterrupted service, higher quality care they can trust, hassle-free billing, and no surprise bills at the end. It really is a win – win for both providers and patients for those with high deductibles, who want care out-of-network, who are self-employed, self-insured, expired PIPs and for people who have health savings accounts.

Now is the time to stop insurance companies from unethically pretending to be medical providers and payment specialists that do not have the patients’ best interest at heart. We are your providers working for you! It is our oath get you results, free of pain and back to living life… We know health insurance companies cannot promise the same.


Tough Decisions

Our unstable economy has brought many challenges.

 One challenge that our community must face is the ever increasing barriers to quality health care. 

Whether those barriers are as small as knowing where patients can find a primary care physician they can trust, to locating that wonderful doctor only to discover that they are not covered through their chosen insurance plan.

It is up to patients.  Only they can make that tough decision. 

Our patients have found, regardless of all costs, that the quality of care Nick Rinard Physical Therapy gives exceeds all else.

We strive to help lessen your tough decisions by providing fast efficient care that guarantees results.

You know that when you become a patient to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy you are getting patient centered high quality care.

Getting RESULTS, even with the toughest cases for the last 20 years!


Sunny days are just around the corner.

Spring is in the air!

With the change of seasons comes an exciting return to outdoor activities. As we move our bodies in familiar, but currently untrained ways, this can also bring about new (or old?) aches and pains.

Don’t let a small ache turn into a bigger pain that could de-rail summer plans.

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is here to help!


A letter to our patients.

Dear Patients,


The road you take to get to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is just as unique as the pain you feel, care you receive, and results you achieve! It should not take time or be costly.

The story we have heard all too often is…


“Nick Rinard Physical Therapy was the last resort.”


Don’t let this be the start to your testimonial, “I had dealt with pain for over 5 years and had almost given up on treatments and spent a fortune searching for cures…” 


 Let Nick Rinard Physical Therapy get you off on the right path with this  same

testimonial… “and after 8 visits at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy I am 100% pain free!”


It is our job is to help you!

This includes helping you and future patients find the fastest route to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, ensuring that you receive quality care, and once you get here, aiding in getting you the best advice of what to do next if we can’t help!


Please do not hesitate to call Nick Rinard if there is anything we can do to help you get answers you can trust,

The entire team at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy



Coronavirus Vaccine Update

Oregon to get 147,000 coronavirus vaccine doses in December, state says

Fedor Zarkhin | The Oregonian/OregonLive. Updated Dec 07, 2020; Posted Dec 05, 2020

The first batches of coronavirus vaccines are slated to be shipped to Oregon mere weeks from now, marking the initial step of what will be a months-long effort to end the pandemic.

But with 4.2 million Oregonians potentially in line to be vaccinated, much remains unclear about the state’s capacity to oversee an unprecedented mass immunization program that will stretch well into 2021, if not longer.

Oregon officials said they are expecting at least 147,000 vaccine doses this month. That’s more than initially anticipated and enough to provide the first of two doses to at least 100,000 people, a state spokesman said, with health care workers at the front of the line.

The plan hinges on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approving two vaccines for emergency use, which it is widely expected to do in the coming days.

“I know these are the vaccines we have all been waiting for,” Gov. Kate Brown said during a news conference Friday. “I am asking you all to buckle down for just a little bit longer.”

Months of hardship will pass before most Oregonians can get immunized — the key to ending the pandemic, saving untold lives, fully opening stores and restaurants and allowing friends and family to start guiltlessly coming together again.

Indeed, Friday set a new record for daily coronavirus cases and deaths, topping 2,000 newly confirmed or suspected infections and 30 fatalities. And the worst is almost certainly yet to come, with state health officials predicting 2,000 to 2,700 people will test positive for the virus each day by Christmas Eve.

Still, after 10 months of uncertainty, Friday’s official announcement of expected shipment dates for concrete numbers of vaccine doses offered some measure of optimism for a state that, like the rest of the world, has grown weary.

Assuming the vaccine gets federal approval, a 35,100-dose batch of a vaccine created by pharmaceutical company Pfizer will be shipped on Dec. 15. Tests have shown the vaccine has no serious side-effects and prevents illness in 95% of people who get both of the doses it needs to be effective, the company has said.

Another 40,950 doses of the Pfizer vaccine will be shipped the following week, as well as 71,900 doses of a vaccine developed by pharmaceutical company Moderna. That company has said its vaccine protects 94.5% of those who get the two mandatory shots and is also safe.

The state expects another 87,750 doses of the Pfizer vaccine and 31,700 doses of the Moderna vaccine to be shipped Dec. 29. Those batches will be used to provide a second dose to those who have already received the first.

“This is, no doubt, terrific news,” said Patrick Allen, director of the agency leading the state’s coronavirus response, the Oregon Health Authority, also noting that the numbers are subject to change.

The state drafted a vaccine distribution plan Nov. 6 that outlines in broad brush strokes how officials intend to prioritize who gets access first.

The initial limited doses will go to the state’s approximately 300,000 frontline health care workers and 60,000 to 70,000 senior care home residents and staff.

Next on the priority list will likely be essential workers, people with chronic health conditions and people over 65.

One key challenge to distributing the vaccine will be the extraordinarily cold temperatures one of them requires to remain viable. The Pfizer vaccine must be stored at -94 degrees Fahrenheit.

The state said it would consider a “hub system,” in which providers who are able to store the vaccine get enough doses to then distribute to providers who are not. The Oregon Health Authority plans to map out where in the state providers are able to keep the vaccine at such low temperatures and decide which vaccine to send where depending on the results.

Health equity is also key to Oregon’s vaccination plan. The state has pledged to work closely with community organizations to make sure the plan is developed in tandem with groups representing those disproportionately affected by the pandemic.

Among other things, the groups will help find gaps in access and figure out why certain people might not trust government officials – both barriers to broad vaccination.

The health authority will also form a vaccine advisory committee, to include representatives from marginalized groups, to help it decide how to allocate the vaccine.

Black Oregonians have been infected at 3.5 times the rate of whites, state data show, and Hispanic people have been infected at 5.1 times the rate of people who are not Hispanic.

“The Oregon Health Authority recognizes the impact that longstanding health inequities, which are rooted in systemic racism and oppression, are having on the transmission and prevalence of COVID-19 in Oregon,” the health agency wrote in its month-old draft plan, which has not been updated.

The agency also singled out people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. While not inherently at greater risk of complications, people with such disabilities are more likely than the rest of the population to have underlying medical conditions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Other at-risk groups include those in prison, those experiencing homeless, migrant workers, students and people who don’t have health insurance.

It could be months before even the prioritized groups get vaccinated. About 700,000 doses will be needed to vaccinate all health care workers and senior care home staff and residents, Allen said. The batch coming this December will be enough to get just a fraction of the priority groups their first vaccine dose.

Another complication is the time it takes manufacturers to produce the vaccines, Allen said.

“It’s going to be a while before the vaccine is going to be available to regular Oregonians,” Allen said.

While President Trump pushed for a vaccine before the Nov. 3 election, federal regulators have been methodical in ensuring safety before approving it for nearly 330 million Americans. The United Kingdom this week approved use of the Pfizer vaccine, which America is expected to greenlight soon.

Researchers are currently testing 58 vaccines on humans, according to The New York Times, and at least 87 others are being tested in animals.

Brown and Allen touched on the controversial topic of vaccine safety, a hot-button issue in recent years, particularly in Oregon.

“When it is my turn to receive a vaccine,” Brown said, “I will be ready to take it.”

Until vaccines are available to the broader population, however, Allen and Brown are asking Oregonians to stick to the tried-and-true methods they have been hammering for months: staying at home, avoiding gatherings, wearing a mask and washing hands frequently.

Do you have a tip? Send me an email.

— Fedor Zarkhin
