Spring is in the air!
With the change of seasons comes an exciting return to outdoor activities. As we move our bodies in familiar, but currently untrained ways, this can also bring about new (or old?) aches and pains.
Don’t let a small ache turn into a bigger pain that could de-rail summer plans.
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is here to help!
Who else is thankful that the ice is gone?!
Unfortunately, the damage it left behind is still littering countless yards and parks.
Have you been working to clean up your yard? How is your back/neck/shoulder feeling?
If your answers are anything less than “great!” call and schedule an appointment at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy today.
We want to share with the world your great experience at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy and your online reviews make a big difference. We take great pride in the results we get for our patients and are always looking to improve our care and services. Your feedback helps us with our online exposure in reaching NEW patients so that they too can get back to pain-free living! Here are some options as to how you can leave your feedback to share with the world!
Google Review:
- On your computer or phone, open Google OR Google Maps. (Make sure you’re signed in with your Google account) Search for ‘Nick Rinard Physical Therapy’
- Find and click the ‘Write a Review’ button on the Google Maps page.
Once the window appears, click the number of stars to score our clinic and include your brief review underneath.
Facebook Review:
- On your computer or phone, open Facebook and search for our clinic ‘Nick Rinard Physical Therapy’
Find and click the ‘Reviews’ Tab
- Click on the ‘YES’ button and provide your score and a brief review.
These reviews should only take a few minutes to complete and go a long way in helping us reach patients we would not have previously!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance and as always, we are here for YOU!
Dear Patients,
The road you take to get to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is just as unique as the pain you feel, care you receive, and results you achieve! It should not take time or be costly.
The story we have heard all too often is…
“Nick Rinard Physical Therapy was the last resort.”
Don’t let this be the start to your testimonial, “I had dealt with pain for over 5 years and had almost given up on treatments and spent a fortune searching for cures…”
Let Nick Rinard Physical Therapy get you off on the right path with this same
testimonial… “and after 8 visits at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy I am 100% pain free!”
It is our job is to help you!
This includes helping you and future patients find the fastest route to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, ensuring that you receive quality care, and once you get here, aiding in getting you the best advice of what to do next if we can’t help!
Please do not hesitate to call Nick Rinard if there is anything we can do to help you get answers you can trust,
The entire team at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy

“I was referred by my primary care provider for intense neck pain.
Everything – sitting, standing, breathing – caused me pain (even with prescription pain medications).
After 3 weeks of physical therapy, I’m completely cured!
I was skeptical that anything was going to help me, but the repetitive, gradual approach worked wonders.
Thank you!”

“I ‘ve been ‘rehabilitated’ by Nick Rinard’s physical therapy team for!
1.) herniated disc (really painful) (downhill ski fall) later.
2.) degenerated spinal disks – exercise and therapy.
3.) sharp nerve pain R neck due to improper head position while reading.
(Nick ‘cured’ rehabilitated my extremely painful herniated disc 3 years ago… in only 3 or 4 visits. I’m forever impressed and grateful.
Now if I have recurring pain I cannot figure out how to ‘cure’ it, I know Nick and his excellent physical therapist team will provide the most effective solutions.
Quick and Efficient, Best.”

Your patient representative is looking out for you!
All Employees at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy have received their first round of covid-19 vaccinations.
Nick Rinard PT continues to stay in business because of you! We couldn’t have helped so many people last year without you!
To stay healthy Nick Rinard Physical Therapy adapted our 2020 lives so we could stay open for you!
As essential health care workers we took our job to keep our patients safe very seriously.
It is a privilege to be part of a community that looks out for one another. Through the coronavirus journey, we were impressed by our patients’ ability to adapt and stay healthy to call and get the care they needed. Our telehealth visits did not disappoint. Patients were able to see and feel the difference in their body’s ability to heal, at every visit!
At Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, you can expect the same diligence in 2021.

Are there things you used to do but now can’t? Walking? Stand? Lift your coffee cup?
Let Nick Rinard Physical Therapy help you get back to doing all the things you love!
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy gets you back to doing everything you couldn’t.