Nick Rinard Physical Therapy – getting patient rapid results for the last 20+ years.
“I scheduled a visit because of persisting pain in my legs and hips that inhibited my mobility.
After treatment here, I can walk and move normally again and am no longer experiencing any leg pain.”
Visit Nick Rinard Physical Therapy’s Facebook page to see our patients handwritten results!
Mainly lower back pain and referral from a sports doctor.
Secondarily, arthritis in thumb joint of right hand.
From both Katie (back) and Natasha (hand).
I now have two things I didn’t have before:
- A good visualization of what I need to try to accomplish to minimize pain in each of these areas.
- Have tools (props and exercises) available now that I didn’t have before to deal with the discomfort and work toward increasing my functionality and longevity in these areas.
Thanks much!
The best and most effective treatment at Nick’s Rinard Physical Therapy.
It started with me when I had a car accident, which resulted in a very bad back, elbow and neck pain and daily headaches. At first, I paid many visits to several different PT’s for months with no good results, somewhat the pain got even worse. One day my coworker said to me “you should go to Nick Rinard‘s clinic, I know he will help you”. So, I am glad I did! First of all I must say all staff at this place are very professional and friendly. Just after one visit, Nick Rinard was able to fix my elbow. Treated my back and my neck, educated me what exercises and stretches I can do at home. It didn’t take long and after a month or so, I was free of pain. I hear from some people that tennis elbow pain is for life, I tell them go to Nick Rinard‘s PT and he will fix it in one or two visits. The treatment is well customized for each patient based on their issues. Nick Rinard also does consultation at the first visit and able to determine if your pain is mechanical, if so, he will evaluate and help you be free of pain. I refer all my friends and my family to Nick Rinard‘s, knowing that they will have the best care possible. Thank you Nick for your service!
We, at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, hope that everyone had a great holiday.
After Thanksgiving the end of the year seems to go by a little faster than usual.
You have lots to do and you don’t need to do it in pain.
Get your results today!
“Lumbar pain – was a deranged disc.
Katie fixed me right up in a couple of weeks.
And now my range of motion is better than before the injury.
Resuming running / yoga….”
“I had neck pain and immobility from old neck trauma.
My neck is substantially more mobile after the series of treatments and home exercises that my PT prescribed.
I still have a little bit of discomfort but it has gone from being obstructive and distracting to something that I don’t even notice unless I’m actively trying to.
I wasn’t sure that they could really do much for my neck but the treatment really worked and they have my full confidence now.
I’d recommend to anyone.”
Don’t let this be the start to your testimonial – “I had dealt with pain for over 5 years and had almost given up on treatments and spent a fortune searching for cures…”
Let Nick Rinard Physical Therapy get you off on the right path with this testimonial –
“I was referred by my primary care provider for intense neck pain.
Everything – sitting, standing, breathing – caused me pain (even with prescription pain medications).
After 3 weeks of physical therapy, I’m completely cured!
I was skeptical that anything was going to help me,
but the repetitive, gradual approach worked wonders.
Thank you!”
Call 503-244-6232 to schedule your visit today!
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy getting RESULTS in 6-8 visits, even with the toughest cases for the last 20+ years!
A generic referral to an “in-network” PT isn’t always your best option.
Take Sean’s results. Nick Rinard has helped him over the last 15 years. Nick Rinard has saved him time, money and helped him live a life free from back pain.
“Low back pain [prompted him to schedule a visit].
Now [I] can walk, run, sit without pain.
I first came to Rinard Therapy 15 years ago, when I was experiencing back pain so severe I could barely walk.
My health plan PT didn’t help, but luckily a friend steered me to Rinard.
They had me diagnosed and pain reduce from the first session.
I’ve come back a few times over the years, when pain returned.
Rinard has always carefully re-diagnosed me and updated my PT to resolve the problems.”
Are injuries preventing you from doing the things you love?
Physical Therapy from Nick Rinard Physical Therapy can not only help you get back to pre-injury status, but leave you feeling better than ever!
“Just a thank you for my therapy!
You allowed me to train and compete in the U.S. National Triathlon with no injuries!
45 of 55 women 65-69years.
Thank you.” ~ Cindy
Dear Patients,
The road you take to get to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is just as unique as the pain you feel, care you receive, and results you achieve! It should not take time or be costly.
The story we have heard all too often is…
“Nick Rinard Physical Therapy was the last resort.”
Don’t let this be the start to your testimonial, “I had dealt with pain for over 5 years and had almost given up on treatments and spent a fortune searching for cures…”
Let Nick Rinard Physical Therapy get you off on the right path with this same
testimonial… “and after 8 visits at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy I am 100% pain free!”
It is our job is to help you!
This includes helping you and future patients find the fastest route to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, ensuring that you receive quality care, and once you get here, aiding in getting you the best advice of what to do next if we can’t help!
Please do not hesitate to call Nick Rinard if there is anything we can do to help you get answers you can trust,
The entire team at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
“Once again, Nick and his team (this time, excellent PT Katie) has got me moving again with very little pain.
Over the 10+ years I’ve seen them, I think they have treated every body part!
This time, it was the feet – a passion of Katie’s.
As is their style, she slowly led me through a progression of stretching, strength-building, and massaging exercises. The homework required just a few minutes a few times a day.
Huge change for the better in my feet! Far less pain, greater mobility, improved balance.”
5 Star Google Review