Have you gone to other places and had your doctor receive conflicting information? find that what the physical therapist wrote in a report and what you tell your doctor on a follow-up visit conflicts, making it hard for your doctor to decide what to believe?
At Nick Rinard Physical Therapy we believe that YOUR recognition of results attained is most important.
We know that if you don’t trust that we have helped, you will never want to come back to see us if care is needed in the future.
At Nick Rinard Physical Therapy we listen to YOU, and help you achieve results both you and your doctor want and report confidently and accurately!!
Call (503-244-6232) or have your doctor fax (503-244-7410) over a referral to get OUT OF PAIN today!
Did you know that the majority of patients at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy are actually returning patients referred from years ago, or have been referred by a past patient?
We have asked our patients how we compared to other PT they had tried. Here’s a small sample of what they had to say:
‘The other PT office was more like mass production-routing patients through.’ –Bryan
‘(Nick Rinard PT is) way better. You actually fix things. ’ -Georgeanne
‘Nick Rinard PT taught me how to fix the problem myself-other therapists didn’t.’ -Gail
Why is Nick Rinard Physical Therapy different?
-Specialized MDT training allows our physical therapists to target the cause of a patient’s pain, not just treat the symptoms.
-Patients see a physical therapist at each visit-never a PT Assistant.
-Exercises are simple and can be done anywhere. No gym, no binder full of exercises. Most of our patients cancontrol their symptoms with just one targeted exercise!
Patients get the tools they need to succeed at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy!
Did you know that most health plans now have deductibles that apply for ancillary services, including PT?
Many of our patients are unaware of that fact, and sound genuinely surprised when we verify insurance benefits for them.
Since patients’ face a high deductible at any PT clinic they attend, it makes sense for them to go where they will get the best results!
Our results have been measured, and one visit at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is worth two visits at the average Portland area PT clinic.
Specifically, Nick Rinard patients reported 92.5% over-all improvement (versus 73.43% Portland area), in only 6.5 visits (versus 11.16 visits Portland area).
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is confident patients will get the best results with us, and want to make it possible for them to schedule without hesitation.
A majority of current patients at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy are actually returning patients or have been referred by a past patient of ours.
We have asked our patients how we compared to other PT they had tried. Here’s a small sample of what they had to say:
‘The other PT office was more like mass production-routing patients through.’ –Bryan
‘(Nick Rinard PT is) way better. You actually fix things. ’ -Georgeanne
‘Nick Rinard PT taught me how to fix the problem myself-other therapists didn’t.’ -Gail
We can’t thank our patients enough for their continued trust in us. Thank you for continuing to return when you are in pain and referring your friends and family when they are also! May we always be here to provide you the tools you need to live a pain free life!!
We asked our patients how our method compares to other treatment’s they tried.
This is what a few of them had to say:
“You really can’t compare the two. With other PT it was a never ending treatment where I never got better. I felt better after my first visit at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy.” Sarah
“I’ve been seen by Nick a few times and I’ve had so much improvement he’s definitely the best physical therapist I’ve ever been to! I definitely recommend him!” Heidi
“I was in a car accident that left me with a lot of pain in my back, along with very uncomfortable and consistent nerve responses down my legs. I saw a PT at a different clinic, but the symptoms and pain were not eliminated as I did not heal properly. I did not want to accept that I had to live with pain for the rest of my life. Fortunately, I was referred to Nick Rinard! In only 11 visits, my pain and symptoms have been alleviated as a result of receiving the proper exercises to strengthen and stretch my back. Nick was able to explain what exercises I needed to do, how to do them properly, as well as why. I know that I will need to continue to do the exercises or my symptoms will return, but Nick Rinard gave me the tools to manage these issues for the rest of my life. I have returned to my more active life, including jogging, hiking, etc. without experiencing painful consequences. Should the occasion arise that I need a PT in the future, I would schedule with Nick Rinard in a heartbeat!” Laura
When you’re in pain, it may seem that anything that is going to make you feel better seems worth it.
But will back surgery alleviate your pain?
And is it really the quickest route to recovery?
Many times, the answer to both these questions is no. It wasn’t hard to find just 2 patients recently who received back surgery and were still in a great deal of pain-you can read their results bellow.
“After discussing my lower back pain with my nurse practitioner she prescribed my visit to Nick Rinard PT and was adamant I tried their program. Considering I live 70 miles away from their clinic, that was a big ask. The very first visit I learned a great deal about why I was in pain and had a plan in place. By the second visit I already started to notice results.”
“My experience with Nick Rinard and his whole team has been completely positive. Nick’s approach to physical therapy is consistently effective, easy to follow, and I have seen lasing results. The overall reduction in pain, increase in strength and improvement in my sense of personal control over my ability to manage what was once severe and extreme pain is nothing short of a miracle.”
Some people do need to undergo back surgery, but why not try Nick Rinard Cert MDT physical therapy first? Within 4 visits, our trained therapists can have you on the road to recovery, or recommend a next step for you if physical therapy is not your best solution.
“Psychosocial Influences on Exercise-Induced Hypoalgesia” https://academic.oup.com/painmedici…/article/…/3/538/2666009 Drivers of pain and disability: how relevant could the family environment be, to how some people ‘respond to treatment’? “Positive family environments predicted.. greater exercise induced hypoalgesia (EIH), whereas negative and chronic pain-present family environments predicted worse pain and EIH outcomes.”
Too many times we hear you say “this has been bothering me for years!”
Why, may we ask, have you been holding on to the pain?
It is stealing your energy and increasing mid day fatigue!
Instead of that 2pm coffee (although we have some waiting for you), let Nick Rinard Physical therapists give you the tools to manage your painand get back to enjoying the things you love in life!
Stop putting off tomorrow what you can heal today.