Clinical Conversations

Google 5 Star Review

Thank you Randy for your Nick Rinard Physical Therapy experience with the world!

“I lost 90% of the strength in my right thumb. I saw my primary care doctor took some X-rays of my neck where there was significant degradation to my C3/C4 which would explain the loss of strength and increasing pain that I was feeling most likely due to a pinched nerve. We started with an anti-inflammatory medication that eased the pain and restored a little bit of strength and motion but it was temporary and the meds are very harsh and not a long term option. Next step would have been spinal surgery which in my mind wasn’t an option. Decided to visit Nick again. My first time seeing him he helped me back to strength after a medial meniscus hook tear surgery to my right knee. I wanted to see if he could help resolve the problem using PT and not drugs or surgery. I saw him for about 2 months about once per week. Today, yes more than 1 year later I have about 90% of my strength back and 100% of motion back. It took more than 1 year but I now have the tools and the habits to manage it. No surgery, no drugs. Just paying attention to how I sleep with proper neck support, how I sit when working at the computer and exercises that I can do while working to keep improving. Nick gave me the tools and methods to make this happen. Highly Highly recommended. Helped me out twice now.” Randy 09-29-30


Nick Rinard Physical Therapy get results.

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy really listened each time.

Nick Rinard Gets Patient Results

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy gets results… but don’t take our word for it…

“Nick Rinard really listened each time I came in. We discussed all my exercise & their impact on my condition. I was treat as a serious athlete, not an old lady. The exercises prescribed were reviewed each time to reinforce proper technique. This contributed significantly to the speed of my recovery. Thank you!”


Get the correct diagnosis at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy gets results because our therapists are trained to get patients the correct diagnosis, every time.

Many times patients do not get better because they have been misinformed about where the pain is actually coming from.


This is what a patient had to say about how she got results from physical therapy from a Nick Rinard physical therapist.

“I had on going hamstring and glut pain that I’d been dealing with for more than 5 yrs. I was referred by a friend & had immediate results along with a new diagnosis. I am now able to address the pain on my own & understand the issue, as well as correct it.”



Thank you!

These days we’ve all heard one another talk about how there seems to be more to be discouraged about than ever before in our life times but TODAY and EVERYDAY NRPT is so very LUCKY to get to come to work!

We couldn’t survived to this day and have helped so many people heal their pain without you, our patients, your families and friends!

1. Thank you: for continuing to refer your friends and family for care you trust.

2. Thank you: for continuing to expect high quality health-care

3. Thank you: for allowing us to help you in times of need.

4. Thank you: for all your hard work and commitment.

5. Thank you all your written results.

6. Thank you for following us on social media.

7. Thank you for all your tears, smiles and laughter!

8. Thank you for being a bright light on these dark days.

The entire staff at NRPT can’t say “THANK YOU” enough.


Continued clinic closure due to hazardous air quality.

Dear Patients, Friends, Family,

We are thankful for the fire fighters abilities to contain the fires in our area and decrease areas that were under evacuation alerts.

However, due to the continued hazardous air quality within our local area, NRPT has decided that in the best interest of the health and safety for our patients and staff, our clinic will be closed again today Monday September 14th in-person patient services.

Your patient representative Erick will be in today answering and checking phones and looks forward to returning messages as soon as possible. So, please don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions or concerns.

Please stay home if you are able. We are here for you,

Entire staff at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy



Local Evacuations Alert, Air Quality in Portland and Neighboring Communities: Clinic Response

Dear Patients, Friends, Family,

Due to the emergency evacuation alerts and hazardous air quality within our local area, in the best interest of the health and safety for our patients and staff, our clinic will be closed Friday September 11 2020 after 10 am for in-person patient services.

We will still be checking our phone and look forward to returning messages as soon as possible. So, please don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions or concerns.

We hope that everyone is able to stay safe and out of harms way.

We are here for you,Entire staff at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy


Get RESULTS from PT Today!

With high deductibles and out of pocket costs, it is getting increasingly difficult for patients to get treatment they need.

We understand that YOU don’t have the time or money for ineffective therapies!

Nick Rinard Physical Therapy’s MDT-focused treatment allows you to get results within just 3-4 visits. 

We promise to discharge you and refer to the right place for further evaluation if there is not significant improvement after 4 visits.

On average, Nick Rinard PT patients are better and independent in just 6-8 visits.

There’s no need use all you annual insurance-allowed PT visits when you are not getting results, especially since every visit costs YOU time and money.

You could be feeling better in just 2 weeks!

Call 503-244-6232 and/or fax 503-244-7410

Schedule your appointment today.


Call 503-244-6232: Stop living in pain today!

Have you been shocked by what your insurance covers?

As providers we have watched health insurance plans go from zero to affordable deductibles to HIGH deductibles that apply for ancillary services, including PT just within the last few years. 

Many of our patients are unaware of that fact and sound genuinely surprised when we verify insurance benefits. 

Since you may now face a high deductible at any PT clinic you attend, it makes sense for you to go where you will get the best results!

Our results have been measured, and one visit at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is worth two visits at the average Portland area PT clinic.

Nick Rinard patients report 92.5% over-all improvement (versus 73.43% Portland area), in only 6.5 visits (versus 11.16 visits Portland area).



Have a very happy Labor Day weekend.

May Nick Rinard Physical Therapy wish you a very happy Labor Day weekend. Please continue to be safe, smart, take care of yourself and one another.
Our office will be closed Monday September 8th.
Our therapists and entire staff will continue to practice social distancing through the holiday weekend to ensure we can guarantee that our clinic is safe upon both your and our return.
Please also keep in mind we are here for you or someone you know whose life changes drastically because of pain. We want you to be in the care of someone you know you can trust!
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy has been providing care that gets patients better for the past 21 years! Today our clinic stands behind the same method it started with— With our average number of patient visits being 6, patient results come quickly!
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy continues to provide long lasting results to get you through and out of pain so you can get back to living life!