Nick Rinard Physical Therapy searched “McKenzie physical therapy Portland” to see which clinics advertised using this credentialed method.
We noticed a trend of clinics advertising use of the method but none of their physical therapists were actually certified in MDT. Nick Rinard Physical Therapist is certified in the methodology, has been for the last 20 years, and will always be prominent in the MDT community!
Too many times we hear you say “this has been bothering me for years!”
Why, may we ask, have you been holding on to the pain?
It is stealing your energy and increasing mid day fatigue!
Instead of that 2pm coffee (although we have some waiting for you), let Nick Rinard Physical therapists give you the tools to manage your pain and get back to enjoying the things you love in life!
Stop putting off tomorrow what you can heal today.
We want to share your good experience at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy with the world, and your online reviews make a big difference. Included are hyperlinks to leave your reviews, thank you in advance!
Strengthen your MVA case by visiting Nick Rinard Physical Therapy first!
Here is what patients said about how Nick Rinard helped them after a car accident:
“This was the third PT program I had been referred to since my MVA. This was the only one of three that is providing relief on a continuing, improving basis for my mid to high back pain.” ~Paul
Some are more effective than others.
If you have had Physical Therapy, did it work?
If you are going to Physical Therapy now, is it helping? If yes, you should continue until you are better.
However, if you are not getting better, or if they need Physical Therapy in the future, then you should read on.
Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) has been shown in numerous scientific studies to be the most effective type of Physical Therapy available today. However, you and patients should know just what MDT is so you can be sure you are actually receiving it.
The MDT method does not rely on technological gadgets such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation commonly used in traditional Physical Therapy. There is little evidence to show that these machines actually help in recovery. Instead, Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, as its name suggests, uses mechanical forces to centralize referred pain, and to correct the physical problem. Exercises designed specifically for each patient, affect pain immediately, and can be performed by the patient whenever pain arises.
Over a short time, these exercises heal the injury and allow full recovery. In our clinic, Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, the average number of visits is only six and a half!
Give yourself advantage over your symptoms!
The more you know, the better you can arrest the pain you experience.
Educating oneself is a great form of exercise.
Give yourself the knowledge to control, manage, prevent and understand your…..
1. Neck pain
2. Shoulder pain
3. Elbow pain
4. Wrist pain
5. Back pain
6. Hip pain
7. Knee pain
8. Ankle pain
9. Foot pain
Even if your symptoms are:
-Chronic in nature
-Resulted after surgery
– Postural related
-Work station associated
– Response to a car accident
– Triggered with repetitive use
– Pre/post pregnancy related
– Occurs during/after exercise
– Coupled with prolonged stress
– Undiagnosed by your physician
– Initiated from previous therapies
Empower yourself.
Prevent your pain before it occurs.
Get educated relief from your aches.
-Specialized MDT training allows our physical therapists to target the cause of a patient’s pain, not just treat the symptoms.
-Patients see a physical therapist at each visit-never a PT Assistant.
-Exercises are simple and can be done anywhere. No gym, no binder full of exercises. Most of our patients can control their symptoms with just one targeted exercise!
Did you know that the majority of patients at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy are actually returning patients referred years ago, or have been referred by a past patient?
We have asked our patients how we compared to other PT they had tried. Here’s a small sample of what they had to say:
‘The other PT office was more like mass production-routing patients through.’ –Bryan
‘(Nick Rinard PT is) way better. You actually fix things. ’ -Georgeanne
‘Nick Rinard PT taught me how to fix the problem myself-other therapists didn’t.’ -Gail
At Nick Rinard PT, you can rest assured that we are putting your health and well-being first.
We will work to keep you informed of your health insurance requirements, and will fight to ensure you get the care you deserve!
Call Nick Rinard PT to get help NOW!
Be safe while setting and taking down your decorations!
Keep your feet on the ground, or get a partner to hold the ladder.