Nick Rinard Physical Therapy: Physical Therapy as IT SHOULD BE!
“I came into the office because of neck pain and lack of range looking most directions.
Nick quickly diagnosed the issue and gave me simple exercises and stretches to re-align my neck and allow it to heal.
In the week after the first visit, I almost fully recovered range of motion and had reduced pain.
After 4 visits, I’m pain free and have full range of motion!
I have easy exercises to continue to hopefully maintain my status.
Nick and all of the staff were great to work with!”
It has been a busy and wonderful spring at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy!
We are excited about getting you pain free from all your injuries so that you can slide into your favorite summer activities!
While a lot of injuries can occur during activities, it’s just as common to injure yourself slouching on the couch with your feet up while you have been waiting for the rain to stop and the sun to shine.
Your seasonal pains could point to a chronic condition that could easily be treated.
With summer just around the corner take care of your aches and pains now before they get worse.
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is ALWAYS here to help!
We wish everyone a very happy Memorial Day weekend.
Be safe, have fun and enjoy time with family and friends.
We are always here to help you celebrate these moments free of pain.

We looking forward to seeing all our patients back in the clinic on Tuesday.
Sunny days and hotter temperatures are on their way.
Summer weather may be here – but we may not be summer ready.

Here are some tips to keep you safe and healthy this weekend:
Please remember to wear sunscreen, stay hydrated in the heat, keep out of the rivers as they are still to cold for swimming, and keep outside activities adjusted to what your body can handle.
Have fun whatever your plans may be!

Happy Thanksgiving from Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
From everyone at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy – We wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy will be CLOSED for Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 23th 2023, Friday November 24th, 2023, Monday 27, 2023 and Tuesday 28, 2023..
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is very Thankful to have you in our lives! We couldn’t do it without you!
Regular office hours will resume Wednesday November 29 2023.
If you are in need before then please do not hesitate to call
503-244-6232 or email help@rinardpt.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Are you not meeting your step goal because it is painful to walk?
Get back to your full potential with our help.
“My right knee was unable to bend or straighten fully and it was painful to walk.
Now I can fully bend and straighten my knee and walk on flat surfaces and up and down stairs without pain.”
“This practice is 5 out of 5 in solving pain issues for me.
I was taught how to resolve the pain & they armed me w/tools to resolve.
This has improved my quality of life significantly.”
You may just inspire someone with a similar condition to get out of pain today!
Included are hyperlinks to leave your reviews, thank you in advance!
Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=nick+rinard+physical+therapy&oq=nick+rinard+physical+therapy+&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60j69i61j69i60.3367j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=nick+rinard+physical+therapy+google+page
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mdtclinics/
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy will give you an honest assessment everytime! We will not keep you coming if we don’t think physical therapy is right for your condition.
“I was referrerd by Dr. Okamoto to pursue options better to address my condition. I knew from the initial visit that a positive outcome may not be possible and Nick expressed his approach to be as proactive as possible.
Overall, I have benefited from the exercises prescribed throughout my visits.
Nick’s oversight and honest assessments throughout my treatments have been very helpful and appreciated.
Thank you all,”
Keep moving. Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is here to help you stay active this summer.
“Frozen right shoulder.
Regained almost 100% use of shoulder / arm again!”