Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
9700 SW Capitol Hwy Suite 140
Portland, OR 97219
Volume 6, Issue 9
November 2014
Are you putting off getting help?
With the end of the year quickly approaching, NOW may be the BEST time to get the treatment you need for your aches and pains!
With an average number of visits of just 6-8, you can likely complete treatment before the end of the year (when most insurance deductibles renew). |
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy patients get Results:
Don’t just take our word for it
“Thanks for the great care and customer service. It has been lovely working with the entire group. The McKenzie (MDT) method of PT was new to me. I was a bit skeptical as to the outcomes we could realize. But, after achieving the results I now have, I must admit that this type of PT has been a particularly positive experience for me. Since beginning treatment, I have less chronic back pain from my scoliosis, the exercises required have been easy to follow & execute, and for once I am looking forward to a stronger, more physically fit life. Previously, I was certain my chronic back pain caused in some part by scoliosis was only going to get worse and handicap me for the rest of my life. I am thrilled to find how wrong I was. I am sincerely appreciative.”
-Janelle 10/23/2014 |
“My family doctor sent me to Nick Rinard PT. I thought physical therapy was going to happen to me. Naps, massage, hot water, electrocution, and other pleasant things. I was surprised to find myself in mechanical diagnosis class. I learned a lot. Thank you!”
-Jeremy 10/17/2014 |
Phone: 503-244-6232 | Fax: 503-296-2305
help@mdtclinics.com | rinardpt.com
(503) 244-6232
In just 5-10 minutes, MDT can determine if your pain is mechanical or not. If so, we can help get you out of pain and back to enjoying your life. |
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy will be CLOSED for Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 27th 2014.
From everyone at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving surrounded by friends and loved ones.

Read all the helpful tips and reminders at :
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
9700 SW Capitol Hwy Suite 140
Portland, OR 97219
Volume 6, Issue 8
October 2014
Pumpkin Carving Fun and Safety!
Who doesn’t love carving a pumpkin? Here are some tips to help you along :
- Don’t leave kids unattended! It doesn’t take long for an accident to occur.
- Use proper tools and never cut toward yourself or others.
- Carve the pumpkins before scooping them out. This will help prevent cuts caused by holding the pumpkin from the inside.
- Look for stencils! These pumpkins were carved by Maria and her boyfriend Jake using stencils so that even people who aren’t artists can be successful (Jake, who is an artist, took several hours to bring his Frankenstein to life!).
- If you have small children, consider painting pumpkins instead of carving! They can have fun with different colors, and you can relax knowing there are no sharp tools around.
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween
From All of us at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy patients get Results:
Don’t just take our word for it
“When I entered therapy, I was suffering from constant headaches ranging from 3-6 out of 10 on the pain scale, as well as frequent dizziness. I also had decreased cognition. Through therapy and home exercises, my headaches and dizziness have entirely ended, and my cognition has greatly improved. I have much better posture and increased flexibility in my neck and shoulders.”
-Maya 09/08/2014 |
“I came in with extreme lower back pain and leg/foot numbness. I was told by Nick and Megan that I had a bulging disc. I had a less extreme occurrence prior and was misdiagnosed by another practitioner and was only given tools for pain management. Nick and Megan gave me a clear diagnosis, and clear plan, and the encouragement to complete my therapy. I am very satisfied with my treatment and would recommend Nick Rinard PT to anyone.”
-Darin 09/24/2014 |
Phone: 503-244-6232 | Fax: 503-296-2305
help@mdtclinics.com | rinardpt.com
(503) 244-6232
In just 5-10 minutes, MDT can determine if your pain is mechanical or not. If so, we can help get you out of pain and back to enjoying your life. |
Now a Preferred Provider with Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is now IN-NETWORK with Blue Cross Blue Shield!
We make every effort to make treatment affordable, and believe that we save patients time and money by providing our specialized care, regardless of insurance coverage.
Not sure of your physical therapy insurance coverage?
Nick Rinard PT checks insurance for ALL patients at no cost!
Call RinardPT today! 503-244-6232
Read all the helpful tips and reminders at :
RinardPT Monthly
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
9700 SW Capitol Hwy Suite 140
Portland, OR 97219
Volume 6, Issue 7
September 2014
Waiting to start PT after an accident can actually INCREASE your healing time
Some people are told to “rest” for 4-6 weeks before starting therapy after an accident. The problem with this? There are many things a person can do immediately after a car accident to facilitate healing and prevent dysfunction.
All too often, we see people 6 months or more after a car accident (MVA). Without exercises at home, the picture is this: limited, painful movement of the spine or joint, global weakness, and poor posture that becomes painful when corrected.
The same is true for other types of trauma as well! Prolonged rest causes stiffness, and can lead to increased pain.
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy has a very effective treatment protocol that helps patients avoid loss in range in motion, and decrease pain!
Read more about this in our post “Why is it important to start therapy after a motor vehicle accident (MVA)“
Call today!
RinardPT patients get Results:
Don’t just take our word for it
“I’ve had back pain for 3 years. My doctor and other physical therapists were unable to diagnose or treat the pain. Nick Rinard PT was able to give me exercises and treatments that have reduced the level of pain, and to make it go away following the exercises. Pain levels have gone from a level three (out of 10) to a one.”
-Gregg 08/20/2014 |
“I want to thank Ms. Megan Plante for turning my life around. When I can to your clinic suffering relentless pain and weakened from nerve trauma, and having experienced a severe drug reaction, I was not only in a state of withering health from these pathologies; I was also in a diminished mental state. Megan changed all that. With sincere dedication and intensive study and planning, she not only trained my body to a state of improved muscle function and control, she also gave me the encouragement I needed to achieve an improved mental outlook.
In short, Megan turned it all around to the point where my general health is now, in some ways, actually better than before the onset of this malady. I’ll always be grateful.”
-Terry 08/21/2014 |
Phone: 503-244-6232 | Fax: 503-296-2305
help@mdtclinics.com | rinardpt.com
(503) 244-6232
In just 5-10 minutes, MDT can determine if your pain is mechanical or not. If so, we can help get you out of pain and back to enjoying your life. |
Now a Preferred Provider with Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is now IN-NETWORK with Blue Cross Blue Shield!
We make every effort to make treatment affordable, and believe that we save patients time and money by providing our specialized care, regardless of insurance coverage.
Not sure of your physical therapy insurance coverage?
Nick Rinard PT checks insurance for ALL patients at no cost!
Call RinardPT today! 503-244-6232
Read all the helpful tips and reminders at :
RinardPT Monthly
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
9700 SW Capitol Hwy Suite 140
Portland, OR 97219
Volume 6, Issue 6
August 2014
Now a Preferred Provider With
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield!
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is now IN-NETWORK with Blue Cross Blue Shield!
We make every effort to make treatment affordable, and believe that we save patients time and money by providing our specialized care,
regardless of insurance coverage.
Not sure of your physical therapy insurance coverage?
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy checks insurance for ALL patients at no cost!
Call today!
RinardPT patients get Results:
Don’t take our word for it
“After 1.5 years of caregiving for my sweet husband, I found my back was shot and motion difficult. You discovered that I was shifted to the left and not using my muscles symmetrically (what muscle I had, which wasn’t much!). The gradual prescription of more exercises for core strengthening (after correcting the shift) has been phenomenal. I am so glad to have my body working for me again, instead of yelling at me for living my life.”
-Shirley 07/29/2014 |
“I came to Nick Rinard PT with a chronic pain in my left shoulder area. I sit a lot: driving, computer work, TV, etc. I would go to the chiropractor one a month for relief, but the pain never went away. I finally went to my doctor who referred me to Nick. I was seen by Megan who spent a lot of time troubleshooting my pain. She came up with an exercise that gave me relief on the spot. I went home and performed the exercise several times per day. Within 3 days, the pain was completely gone! I went for one follow-up visit (only my 2nd visit) and was given instructions on how to incorporate the exercise as part of my ongoing therapy. This place is great!”
-James 07/07/2014 |
In just 5-10 minutes, MDT can determine if your pain is mechanical or not. If so, we can help get you out of pain and back to enjoying your life.
How Important is Your Posture?
In fact, almost all of our patients are instructed in proper posture as a part of therapy.
Want to get the most mileage from your spine? Straighten up!
If you’re unable to sit up straight without pain, it’s time to give us a call.
Read all the helpful tips and reminders at :
RinardPT Monthly
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
9700 SW Capitol Hwy Suite 140
Portland, OR 97219
Volume 6, Issue 5
July 2014
We Appreciate YOU!
Did you know that you help make up 40% of the patients we see? Yes, YOU!
40% of the patients we treat are past patients returning for a different issue, or patients referred to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy by a past patient.
We want you to know that we appreciate you, and that despite all the changes that have happened to healthcare (and those to come) YOU are still still our first priority. We are committed to your PT being as effective as possible, and are still working hard to get you better in an average of 6-8 visits!
Call 503-244-6232
for your Evaluation or Free Consultation
RinardPT patients get Results:
Don’t take our word for it
“I came to Nick Rinard Physical Therapy hoping to find relief from debilitating neck pain-24/7-which had mysteriously begun about 2 weeks prior to my first visit. My husband had been treated here a few years ago-also for neck problems.
Within a few sessions my range of motion, with little to no pain, had improved tremendously! In addition, I was given specific ‘exercises’ I can easily do on my own to further improve movement, and to hopefully prevent the neck problem from happening again. Thank you!”
-Doris 06/24/2014 (5 visits total) |
“I had severe neck pain and limited movement of my head-both up and down, and left to right.
The pain has now been almost completely taken care of and normal motion has returned. The exercises given have really helped.”
-James 06/03/2014 (6 visits total) |
In just 5-10 minutes, MDT can determine if your pain is mechanical or not. If so, we can help get you out of pain and back to enjoying your life.
Clinical Conversations NOW at RinardPT.com
RinardPT Monthly
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
9700 SW Capitol Hwy Suite 140
Portland, OR 97219
Volume 6, Issue 3
April 2014
SW Portland Open House
Should you be resting?
Should you be ‘working through’ the pain?
Is the source of your pain serious?
Ask an experienced MDT Physical Therapist at Nick Rinard PT! With a 15 minute Free Consultation, we can often find the cause of your pain and give you advice to help treat your symptoms. |
Join us for a special Open House and ask about your pain “while you’re here.” Light refreshments will be offered, and appointments are encouraged though WALK-INS are always welcome!
Tuesday, June 17th – 5:00pm-8:00pm
Call 503-244-6232
for your Evaluation or Free Consultation
RinardPT patients get Results:
Don’t take our word for it
“I came into Nick Rinard PT because of a car accident in December that I sustained a neck injury in. I had very limited neck motion, & had pain when I tried to move my neck. I had severe pain when sitting for long periods of time, trouble driving, and doing other everyday activities. I also had random headaches every day that kept me from doing normal tasks. Now I feel much better. My headaches have almost gone away, I have my range of motion back, and I am not in pain anymore.”-Lauren 04/28/2014 |
“I was referred for treatment after PT elsewhere was not improving my symptoms for a post-operative L5-S.1 discectomy/laminectomy. Once starting treatment at Nick Rinard PT I knew it was the right fit. After my 1st visit I had increased symptoms and called that evening. I was immediately helped over the phone and scheduled to return the next day. From then on, it was steady improvement with detailed explanation of exercises and physiology. I’m beyond grateful for the care and staff at Nick Rinard PT.”-Shelley 04/17/2014 |
In just 5-10 minutes, MDT can determine if your pain is mechanical or not. If so, we can help get you out of pain and back to enjoying your life.
Clinical Conversations NOW at RinardPT.com
From low back pain, hip pain, ‘pseudo tennis elbow’…
We’ve seen it all at
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy!
Come see our success stories, get advice for how to avoid pain, and what to do while you wait for your physical therapy visit with us.
Osteoporosis is the leading cause of fractures resulting in billions of dollars being spent in the healthcare system. As a physical therapist, it is important to educate the public on information for reducing the risk of fracture, which is a frequent and possibly serious co-morbidity of osteoporosis. The public is subjected to multiple commercials advertising medications that can help fight osteoporosis. What they may not know, is that simple exercise alone can improve your bone density, decrease your risk of fractures and doesn’t come attached to a list of adverse side effects.
- Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to decreased mineral content and bone density, resulting in a weakening of the bone
- The incidence of this disease has been shown to increase with older age
- Worldwide, 50% of women over the age of 60 will have an osteoporotic fracture, an incidence rate that is larger than the combined incident rates of heart attack, stroke, and breast cancer.
- One study from 1992 had a worldwide projection that osteoporotic fractures would affect one-third of all men during their lifetime by the year 2050.
- Primary risk factors for osteoporotic fractures include low bone mineral density, deterioration of bone, older age, Caucasian race, female sex, lower body weight and AN INACTIVE LIFESTYLE.
What can you do?
- Exercise can decrease the risk of an osteoporosis related fracture by 50%
- One study found that weight bearing exercise for 20 minutes a day can positively affect risk factors associated with osteoporotic fractures among elderly women. The exercises for the intervention group included: jumping, dancing, walking, strengthening, and balance exercises. The exercise group had increased leg strength as well as improvement in walking speed and endurance, as compared to the control group. In a long-term follow-up study, the same authors found that the above intervention decreased mortality in women with osteopenia (a precursor to Osteoporosis).
- A bi-weekly exercise routine developed by your PT can increase your bone density.
- Muscle contraction and mechanical loading deform bone and stimulate activity of osteoblasts, the cells which build bone.It is, therefore, not surprising that these interventions improve bone mineral density.
Want to learn more?
RinardPT Monthly
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
9700 SW Capitol Hwy Suite 140
Portland, OR 97219
Volume 6, Issue 3
April 2014
New Look, Same Great Care!
MDT of Portland is Now Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
With a new name and a new logo, we’ve had a lot of exciting changes. We hope that you like our new look, and rest assured that the changes stop there.
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy is committed to continuing to provide specialized McKenzie (MDT) based personal care for you and your loved ones-just like we have since we opened our doors in SW Portland, Oregon in 1999.
Nick, Natasha, and the entire Nick Rinard PT team are here for you!
Call 503-244-6232
for your Evaluation or Free Consultation
RinardPT patients get Results:
Don’t take our word for it
“When I first came for PT, my lower back was very stiff & it was painful to do side-bends. I my lower back became fatigued from walking/running I would experience muscle spasms in my back.Now I can walk/run my normal 45 minutes or hike and I feel good-no spasms!”-Maureen 03/14/2014 |
“I was referred by my doctor after 6 weeks of going to another PT clinic with no results. I wasn’t hopeful that Nick Rinard PT would get any better results. After 4 visits, I could tell things were changing for the better. My pain while standing was a 10 at worst, down to a 3 at the end of my day. The people and staff are amazing and friendly. I loved how they put their ‘thinking caps’ on before they start. Thank you so much.”-Teresa 03/26/2014 |
(503) 244-6232
In just 5-10 minutes, MDT can determine if your pain is mechanical or not. If so, we can help get you out of pain and back to enjoying your life.
Join the Walk to Cure Arthritis! We’ll Meet you There!
Saturday, May 17th in Vancouver, Washington
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy will be at the Health Fair from 9am-1pm.
Esther Short Park
Columbia St
Vancouver, WA 98660
- Choose to walk a 1 or 3 mile loop
Registration and more information at :
Can’t make it? You can make a donation for the cause at the the link above to show your support!
By MiKayla Sanocki, SPT
Did you know a back problem can cause symptoms such as pain, decreased strength and decreased sensations into the thigh, calf, ankle or foot? Physical therapists trained in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) here at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy can determine during the evaluation if any of these lower leg symptoms are coming from your back.
Check out this bizarre clinical presentation we treated at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy:
She did not remember any trauma to the ankle
The patient came to physical therapy for an “ankle sprain” that occurred 3-months earlier. She stated she woke up unable to put any weight on her right foot. The pain had remained constant in her ankle, so bad at times that she couldn’t walk! Upon further questioning, the patient revealed what she had been doing the day before: She had driven 2 hours, on her way home from helping clean a house. During the drive she had discomfort in her buttock and hamstring that made her want to pull the car over to stretch. She did not remember any trauma to the ankle, however, but the ankle pain was the only pain she was experiencing now.
Her ankle pain has caused her to quit running and yoga — two of her favorite activities.
Mechanical Evaluation finds cause in spine
During the mechanical evaluation we found that certain directions of low back movements decreased the pain in her ankle. After being sent home with 1 simple exercise to perform every waking hour – which she did perfectly – she returned within 24 hours reporting 90% recovery in pain! Over the next week we were able to progress her exercises and now the patient reports no ankle pain at all. In only 4 visits we were able to abolish her ankle pain, and she is now getting back to running and yoga!
The patient reports, “I now have the tools to prevent the return of my back and ankle pain”.
Treatment at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy vs Traditional PT
In contrast to MDT, traditional PT would not have uncovered the spinal cause of the patient’s ankle pain. Treatment would have been ineffective since it would have focused only on trying to treat the symptom.
Do you know if your pain in the legs or arms could be coming from the spine? Come see us at Nick Rinard Physical Therapy and find out!
RinardPT Monthly
Nick Rinard Physical Therapy
9700 SW Capitol Hwy Suite 140
Portland, OR 97219
Volume 6, Issue 2
March 2014
Why Wait?
Too often, we get patients in our office who have been in pain for months (or almost a year in Michael’s case! Read his story below). If your pain is not improving on its own, there is NO NEED TO SUFFER! It could take just 3 visits, like it did for Jane, and you can have the tools to treat your pain and get back to living your life to the fullest. Most of our patients are able to self-treat their problem in just 6-8 visits. Get the tools you need now.
Are you currently suffering from pain or injury?
Call 503-244-6232 today!
RinardPT patients get Results:
Don’t take our word for it
“I hurt my knees in October 2013 while in Mexico. I wish I had called MDT sooner and saved myself four months of pain & difficulty walking. Going down stairs was especially painful. In three sessions I am pain free; getting out of bed, walking, and stairs are no longer painful. Many thanks! ”-Jane 02/12/2014 |
“I was in a car accident in May 2013. I had neck pain and stiffness every day after the accident. I came to MDT of Portland in hopes of being cured. Within roughly 7 sessions, I would say I no longer have any pain. Thank you guys very much-you’re all incredible!”-Michael 02/04/2014 |
(503) 244-6232
In just 5-10 minutes, MDT can determine if your pain is mechanical or not. If so, we can help get you out of pain and back to enjoying your life.
Remember to “SPRING FORWARD” by one hour on Sunday, March 9th!
March Events around Portland
